Data comparison lies at the heart of machine learning: for many applications, simplistic loss functions - such as the L2 loss that rely on local element-wise differences between samples - have taken preference. Such metrics are notorious for producing low-quality results. The proposed Adaptive Wiener Loss (AWLoss) addresses this issue by introducing a new convolutional approach to data comparison; one that uses a Wiener filter approach to naturally incorporate global information and promote spatial awareness within the compared samples.
This repository contains an implementation of this loss in a natural Pytorch
as here it is promoted as a loss function to drive deep learning problems. The source code is a single file that contains a single class named AWLoss
. Its usage and customisation are described below.
A demonstration of this loss in a deep learning context is shown in the following figure for a medical data imputation problem:
In the figure, (e) and (f) are obtained through the training of a UNet.
git clone
cd WienerLoss
# create conda environment (recommended)
conda create --name wiener
conda activate wiener
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# for running examples and performance notebooks
pip install -r requirements-optional.txt
# install package
pip install -e .
import torch
from wiener_loss import WienerLoss
wiener_loss = WienerLoss()
x = torch.rand([1, 3, 28, 28])
y = torch.rand([1, 3, 28, 28])
wiener_loss(x, y)
>> tensor(1.4073, grad_fn=<DivBackward0>)
wiener_loss(x, x)
>> tensor(0., grad_fn=<DivBackward0>)
The main idea behind this comparison method, firstly introduced by Warner and Guasch (2014), is that two signals are considered identical when their corresponding matching filter is an dirac delta at zero lag (i.e. convolutional idendity). We start by considering two signals,
We then act on this filter through an arbitrary a penalty function
By minimising
On object initialistion:
method, optional
"fft" for Fast Fourier Transform or "direct" for the
Levinson-Durbin recurssion algorithm. Defaults to "fft"
filter_dim, optional
the dimensionality of the filter. This parameter should be
upper-bounded by the dimensionality of the data. If data is
3-dimensional and filter_dim is set to 2, one filter is computed
per channel dimension assuming format [B, NC, H , W]. Current
implementation only supports filter dimensions for 1D, 2D and 3D.
Defaults to 2
filter_scale, optional
the scale of the filters compared to the size of the data.
Defaults to 2
reduction, optional
specifies the reduction to apply to the output, "mean" or "sum".
Defaults to mean
mode, optional
"forward" or "reverse" computation of the filter. For details of
the difference, refer to the original paper. Default "reverse"
penalty_function, optional
the penalty function to apply to the filter. If None, a Gaussian
penalty will be created of mean zero and standard deviations
specified below. Mutually exclusive with "std". Default None
store_filters, optional
whether to store the filters in memory, useful for debugging.
Option to store the filers before or after normalisation with
"norm" and "unorm". Default False.
epsilon, optional
the stabilization value to compute the filter. Default 1e-4.
std, optional
the standard deviation value of the zero-mean gaussian generated
as a penalty function for the filter. If 'penalty_function' is
passed this value will not be used. Default 1e-4.
On object calling
the reconstructed signal
the target signal
epsilon, optional
the stabilization value to compute the filter. If passed,
overwrites the class attribute of same name. Default None.
gamma, optional
noise to add to both target and reconstructed signals
for training stabilization. Default 0.
eta, optional
noise to add to penalty function. Default 0.
The AWLoss
class supports data of dimensions up to 3, excluding the batch dimension. The filter dimension can be arbritarily chosen by the user, up until the dimension of the data itself, i.e. a 1D signal cannot be processed using filter_dim
as to 2 or 3, but a 3D signal can be processed processed using filter_dim
as 1, 2 or 3.
Using the 1D version of the AWLoss flattens the signal before evaluation in all dimensions apart from the batch dimension; in the 2D implementation, a single 2D filter is computed for each channel of the data; and in 3D a single 3D filter is calculated using the number of channels as the third dimensionality.
Further improvements to this code will allow dimensions up to 4, where the first dimension is the number of channels and the following 3 are the volumetric data. In such, this would calculate one 3D filter per channel in the signal.