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2D fluid flow modelling of navier stokes equation with smoothed particle hydrodynamics


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Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulator

Creators: Richard Boyne, Deborah Pelacani Cruz, Deirdrée Polak, Tayfun Karaderi, Yusef Falola

This software is designed to simulate a 2D fluid flow system using a space and time discretisation of the Navier-Stokes and conservation of momentum equations. System boundaries are implemented using the Lennard-Jones Potential for repulsion to prevent particles from leaking. Timestepping is adaptive to guarantee CFL stability.

Please, read License agreement prior using.


The software should be used as python modules in your local folder. In your python project import the modules as:

import sph_fe as sphfe
import sph_ie as sphie
import sph_ap as sphap


To be able to run this software, the following packages and versions are required:

  • numpy >= 1.15.4
  • scipy >= 1.1.0
  • matplotlib >= 3.0.2
  • mpltools >= 0.2.0
  • sympy >= 1.3
  • pandas >= 0.23.4


For full documentation see documentation_html

def sph_simulation(x_min, x_max, t_final, dx, func, path_name='./', ani=True,
    Simulates fluid flow from user-specified initial state and timeframe using
    smoothed particle huydrodramics method.
    x_min : list-like
        List with [x,y] coordinates of bottom left boundary, assumed rectangular
    x_max : list-like
        List with [x,y] coordinates of upper right boundary, assumed rectangular
    t_final : float
        Timeframe of simulation.
    dx : float 
        Initial distance between particles in domain. Particles assumed to be
        equally spaced on domain specified by func
    func : function 
        A function that specifies the initial distribution of particles in the
        domain with a boolean output.
    path name : string
        Path where files are to be saved.
    ani : boolean 
        "True" if animation is to be displayed and "False" if otherwise.

    Other Parameters
    ani_step: int
        frame skipping
    ani_key: string
        header for colorplot. Choose beteween: ID, Pressure, Density, V_x, and V_y
    h_fac : float -- set attribute
        bin half size constant (unitless).
    mu : float -- set attribute
        viscosity (Pa s) [Deafult value = 0.001]
    rho0 : integer -- set attribute
        initial particle density (kg/m^3). [Deafult value = 1000]
    c0 : integer -- set attribute
        fit-for-purpose speed of sound in water (m/s). [Deafult value = 20]
    gamma : constant -- set attribute
        stiffness value (unitless). [Deafult value = 7]
    interval_smooth : integer -- set attribute
        number of timesteps to which smooth rho (unitless). [Deafult value = 15]
    interval_save : integer -- set attribute
        number of timesteps at which the current states are saved (unitless).
        [Deafult value = 15]
    CFL : float -- set attribute
        Scale factor for Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition (unitless). [Deafult value = 0.2]
    g : 1D array -- set attribute
        body force based 2D vector [gravity value (m/s^2)]. [Deafult value = [0, -9.81] ]
    tf : float
        Total real time to run simulation.
    P_ref : float (only in the Forward Euler Module)
        Boundary reference pressure to prevent leakages (Pa).
    d_ref : float (only in the Forward Euler Module)
        Reference distance for enforcing boundary pressure (m).
    file_name : string
        Name of file to be saved. If None saves with current time[Default = None]

def load_and_set(file_name, ani_key='V_x'):
    Function to load a file and set animation class instances. To run animation
    call animate() method on returned object.

    file_name: string
        name of the file to load. Should be generated by sph_simulate()
    ani_key: string
        header for colorplot. Choose beteween: ID, Pressure, Density, V_x, and V_y
    ani: class object
        From the instance of animate
def animate(self, ani_step=1):
  Animates a class object creared by load_and_set() function

  ani_step: int
      frame skipping


The three modules provide different methods and adaptations to timestepping the Navier-Stokes equations.

  • sph_fe: provides a forward euler timestepping, with Lennard-Jones boundary repulsion (optimised)
  • sph_ie: provides an improved predictor-corrector timestepping method with Lennard-Jones boundary repulsion
  • sph_ap: provides the same predictor-corrector timestepping method, with Lennard-Jones boundary repulsion and inserted artificial pressure to prevent tensile instability.

The table below summarizes their functionality:

Forward Euler Predictor-Corrector Find Neighbour Opt Artificial Pressure LJ Boundary Forces Leak Control Front End

The simulation can be easily run using the sph_simulation function, common amongst all modules. The simulator requires the user to specifcy a minimum and maximum coordinate (in meters) of the system domain, a time frame (in seconds) and a function that specifies the initial position of particles of the domain with a boolean output. Other parameters are optional and if not specified will be used as the default setting (refer to docstring).

Example 1

def f(x, y):
        if 0 <= y <= 2 or (0 <= x <= 3 and 0 <= y <= 5):
            return 1
            return 0

sphfe.sph_simulation(x_min=[0, 0], x_max=[20, 10], t_final=1, dx=0.2, func=f, path_name='./examples/',
                     ani_step=10, ani_key="Pressure", file_name="example33")

The function f will produce the following initial condition:


and the simulation will produce a .csv file at the specified path name and file name containing information about each particle at each timestep in the following format:


Unless the optional parameter ani is set to False, the simulator function will also produce an animation of the dynamic system over the timeframe. The parameter ani_key will let you choose between what parameters should be plotted in the colorplot besides position of the particles. Choices are: Pressure, Density, V_y and V_x. Parameter ani_step allows for quicker plotting by skipping some of the timestepping frames.


Example 2

If a file with the format above already exists, a simulation can be animated simply by setting up and calling the animation function

ani = sphfe.load_and_set('./examples/example33.csv', 'Density')

See figs and examples folder for examples of animations.


2D fluid flow modelling of navier stokes equation with smoothed particle hydrodynamics







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