This project was designed for a school assignment to create intelligent agents that operated in the environment known as the "Breakthrough" game, which you can read about here:
The goal of this project is to test out different search algorithms (minimax, alpha-beta pruning) and design evaluation functions that would optimize the agent behavior in particular ways.
The evaluation functions are used to return a value for a position when the depth limit of the search is reached.
Try to determine the maximum depth to which it is feasible for you to do the search (for alpha-beta pruning, this depth should be larger than for minimax). The worst-case number of leaf nodes for a tree with a depth of three in this game is roughly 110,592, but in practice is usually between 25,000 - 35,000. Thus, you should at least be able to do minimax search to a depth of three.
Evaluation functions:
• def offensive_function(self, turn): 2*(30-self.enemyscore(turn))+random.random()/10
• def defensive_function(self, turn): 2*self.myscore(turn)+random.random()/10
• def offensive_function_2(self, turn): 1 * self.myscore(turn) - 2 * self.enemyscore(turn)
• def defensive_function_2(self, turn): 2 * self.myscore(turn) - 1 * self.enemyscore(turn)
pygame. Pretty simple!
Dan McGonigle [email protected]