💥 Breaking Changes
- Nomad: rework cidr acceptance @guangie88 (#275)
- Fluentd: redirect logs from hashi services @qbiqing (#257)
- Add vars to enable and config master nodes @qbiqing (#252)
✨ Features
- Elasticsearch: add Consul service health check @guangie88 (#276)
- Vault: upgrade service to 1.5 @guangie88 (#273)
- Elasticsearch: allow availability zone count override value @guangie88 (#272)
- Core: allow Nomad server and client separate names @guangie88 (#271)
- Iam: update cluster reusable modules @guangie88 (#269)
- Traefik: expose prometheus metrics @xtrntr (#265)
- Prometheus: update prometheus version @xtrntr (#264)
- Feature(nomad): Add spot price for nomad cluster @briantjt (#259)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Fluentd: fix incorrect interpolation syntax @jrlonan-gt (#278)
- Fluentd: use TF variables for CPU/mem resource in jobspec @jrlonan-gt (#277)
- Fluentd: disable storing logs locally @qbiqing (#262)
- Aws: upgrade to use non-deprecated attributes @qbiqing (#256)
- Add vars to enable and config master nodes @qbiqing (#252)
🔧 Code Improvements
- Nomad: rework cidr acceptance @guangie88 (#275)
- Fluentd: make fluentd_pre and fluentd_new @qbiqing (#255)
- Core: core takes in base_domain as a var @qbiqing (#254)
- Es: remove dependency on consul @qbiqing (#251)
🚧 Maintenance
- Update syntax to TF v1 compatible @guangie88 (#279)
- Fluentd: allow permissions boundary @guangie88 (#274)
- Vault: update helper script @guangie88 (#270)
- Remove placement_tenancy @xtrntr (#268)
- Upgrade nomad and consul versions @xtrntr (#267)
- Change security group ingress protocol @xtrntr (#266)
- Fluentd: optimize memory and CPU usage @qbiqing (#263)
- Fluentd: redirect logs from hashi services @qbiqing (#257)
- Prometheus: remove deprecated var for new packer version @xtrntr (#258)