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Project developed in response to a talent adquisition test with the following requeriments:


● The selected filter should persist on the local storage
● The favorited posts should persist on the local storage
● The web app is expected to work as a responsive web application
● When clicking on the row, a new tab should be open with the link of the post(story_url)
● Clicking on the “like button” should not trigger the opening of the post URL link
● When hovering on the row, apply opacity to the entire row and its children (texts,icons, like button, etc)


● Implement unit testing
● Good use of Typescript
● Pagination as infinite scroll


● Documentation
● Testing
● Clean code
● Software design
●  Git history
● Solution deployed


● Netlify link to the deployed web application
● Public GitHub / GitLab / Bitbucket repository URL


Vite whas used to build this React project.


npm install



npm run dev


npm run build
npm run preview


Unit testing for components

with vitest

npm run test

GUI with vitest + ui

npm run test:ui

Integration testing for views with Cypress

npm run cypress-test


The project main view displays new's information fetched from a public API:

The information is diplayed as a set of cards which are grouped by standard pagination and can be explored dynamically by scrolling through them.

The subject of the news can be selected exclusively in a selector placed at the top left corner of the page content. Available values are:

  • Angular
  • React
  • Vue.js

Each one of the displayed item-cards is also a link to the new it represents. This link will always open in a new tab when the card is clicked.

The items can be marked as favorites by clicking the heart appearing at the right of each item-card. Once it's marked as favorite, the heart will be filled.

Favorite items can be seen all together (despite it's subject) by switching the tab appearing at the top-center of the content.

In favorites view, tggling the heart again will cause the item to be removed immediately from favorites list

The project uses 4 controlled components.

  • It handles the controlled property "favorite".
  • It's a card for resuming information about one new, such as title, author and date of creation.
  • A link to the whole new.
  • As a test requisite, it decreases opacity to 50% when hover.
  • Handles the pagination through the controlled prop "page".
  • Supports page truncating for a large ammount of pages.
  • It handles the controlled property "selection", related to the new's subject.
  • It's a card for resuming information about one new, such as title, author and date of creation.
  • An external link to the whole new.
  • It handles the controlled property "tab", used for toggle favorites viex.
  • Displays the news cards fetched from the api
  • Contains and controls components for API query configuration
  • Handles infinite scrolling functionality along with pagination
  • Displays the favorite items


Since a landscape design template was imposed, the approach of mobile-first design was not taken.

The design is responsive and it fits most of the specifications provided when the viewPort aspect ratio fits the dimensions provided with the design pattern.

Pagination design is slightly different due to truncation implementation since the template design considered only 10 pages but api provided handles more than 100 (assuming 8 items per page also to best fitting the design template)

Aditional Notes

  • Since 8 items per page was assumed to fit the design template, there's aditionaly not scroll control to controll the dinamic loading infinite scroll view. It initially responds to mouse wheel events.

Recomendations (TODO's)


Reingn frontend development React test answer






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