There's no proper installation script yet (we're working on that). You simply download the Python script and put it in the science folder of your LBL installation. If you are 100% lazy, you can just run the following command on a linux station:
wget -O
To generate the masked files corresponding to a 6-σ thresholding of residuals, for a given star (let's say PROXIMA), you run the following command:
python PROXIMA 6.0
To generate the masked files for two stars and 3 different σ cuts:
python 'PROXIMA,GL699' '6.0,9.0,15.0'
You can also show debug plots if you want :
python PROXIMA 6.0 --doplot
The code will save a fits file of 0s and 1s with the name of the object and thresholding. For the above command, you would get mask_PROXIMA_6.0sig.fits
. All masked files will be in the folder PROXIMAmask6.0sig/
Inside the LBL code, you will simply need to pass the new object name in the wrapper file :
rparams['OBJECT_SCIENCE'] = ['PROXIMA','PROXIMAmask6.0sig']
You can then pass the same object as the template
rparams['OBJECT_TEMPLATE'] = ['PROXIMA','PROXIMAmask6.0sig']