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Time Around The World


Time Around The World shows the time of different timezone cities on OpenHarmony device.

This is a documentation lists all the problems or noticeable thing during the app development.

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Table of content

Convert timestamp into regular time
Delete certain city in time list

Problem faced during development

  1. main time rendered with delay

  2. Use list's onSelect method to trigger select event

  3. Replace router into navigation

  4. How to filter required item by input part of the keyword

  5. Replace database with real world time api calls

Problems faced after testing

  1. No default timezone setting instruction

  2. Lists of Timezones should be sorted by Alphabet

  3. Can not add the same city many times

  4. Selected city should be marked with √ label

  5. Use persistentStorage-to-keep-selected-lists-info

Project detail improvement

  1. Show list time status compared with current timezone time


  • two UI pages: Time Page and City Page

    1. On the main screen displayed the current timezone's time.

    2. User can click the '+' button to select a city and add it to the time page list.

    3. Time also shown in list cities.

    4. Click Edit button will pop up a Delete icon, click this icon will remove the selected city from the list.

Convert timestamp into regular time

Project requirement

We need to implement a function which can convert timestamp of certain timezone into the format of the time.


To make this function, I divided into 2 parts, one part convert the timestamp into date format, the second part into daily time.


export function timestampToDate(timestamp: number): string {
  const date = new Date(timestamp); // Transform 'Timestamp' into 'Date' object
  // Uniform time format
  const year = date.getFullYear();
  const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, "0"); // Month start from 0, we need add 1 at first
  const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, "0");

  // concatenate into required string format
  return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;

export function timestampToTime(timestamp: number): string {
  const date = new Date(timestamp); // Transform 'Timestamp' into 'Date' object

  // Uniform time format
  const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, "0");
  const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, "0");
  const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, "0");

  // concatenate into required string format
  return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;

Delete certain city in time list


When we click Edit button, there will be a delete button pop up, if we click it, it should remove the city from our city list.


The idea is to use list.splice function, when we define the list using ForEach, add index: number to track each list item's index from the list. So we can delete the item with this index number.


  List({ scroller: this.scroller }) {
    ForEach(this.cityList, (item: City, index: number) => {
      ListItem() {
        // Row(){
        //   Text(`${}`)
        //   Text(`${item.offset}`)
        // }
        Row() {
          if (this.isEdit == true) {
                this.cityList.splice(index, 1);
                // console.log(`item id:${index}`)
          TextClock({ timeZoneOffset: item.offset, controller: this.controller })

main time rendered with delay

Problem background

When I add a city to the time list, the main time and date(Current devices' timezone time and date) was rendered with some delay.

Related code

Column() {
// TextClock({ timeZoneOffset: , controller: this.controller })

Text(`${this.timeZone}: ${this.convertedDate}`)

Reason Analyze

Since I used self-defined functions convertedTime and convertedData, so there might be a recalculation during the page changing.

About date, my initial idea is to put the date into a variable within AppStorage scope, since date update is quite slow.

Also, for the time in time list, I used the component with Textclock, which we have to provide timeZone's offset and a controller.

TextClock({ timeZoneOffset: item.offset, controller: this.controller });

If we want to use TextClock, consider how to implement a function which can convert given TimeZone(This is simple, since we have an Api function called GetTimeZone) into its timeZoneOffset value.


  • Put convertedDate into a variable using AppStorage
  • Instead implement a function which convert city's timezone string into it's offset value, just use map to find the offset which stored in our datesource.
  • Beside, since the systemDateTime's GetTimeZone return timezone format is like Asia/Shanghai, we need to extract the city name using split method, another function was defined as follows.
this.currentTimeZoneOffset = (this.getTimezoneOffsetByName(this.timeZone) as number) * -1

  getTimezoneOffsetByName(systemTimeZone: string): number | null {
    // Find the matching city based on the name
    let name = this.extractRegion(systemTimeZone)
    const city = supportedSystemTimezone.find(city => === name);

    // Return the offset if found, or null if not found
    return city ? city.offset : null;

    private extractRegion(timezone: string): string | null {
    if (timezone.includes('/')) {
      return timezone.split('/')[1]; // Return the part before the '/'
    return null; // Return null if the format is invalid

Use list's onSelect(()=>{}) method to trigger select event

Replace router into navigation

Problem description

In order to have a formal way of developement, we need to use Navigation rather than router.


In this example there are 2 pages with parameter delivery

Index Page

struct Index {
  pathStack: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack()

  PagesMap(name: string) {
    if (name == 'Index') {
    } else if (name == 'ListPage') {

    Navigation(this.pathStack) {
      .onClick(() => {
        let tmp!: City
        //We need to define onPop callback function for receiving data
        this.pathStack.pushPathByName('ListPage', tmp, (popInfo) => {
          let city = popInfo.result as City
          this.message =
        }); // Push the navigation destination page specified by name, with the data specified by param, to the navigation stack. Use the onPop callback to receive the page processing result.
export struct ListPage {
  pathStack: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack()

  build() {
    NavDestination() {
      Scroll() {
        Column() {
          ListItem() {
            Row() {


          .onClick(() => {
            this.pathStack.pop(item); // Return to the previous page and pass in the processing result to the onPop callback of push.
    .onReady((context: NavDestinationContext) => {
      this.pathStack = context.pathStack

How to filter required item by input part of the keyword

Problem background

After the search bar implementation, we need to filter the search result according to the database.


The idea is using array's filter method, the city have such interface:

interface City {
  name: string;
  timezone: string;
  offset: number;
const filteredCity = supportedSystemTimezone.filter((city: City) => {
  return ( ||

As a result, we can return the searched result by the city's name or timezone.

Replace database with real world time api calls

Problem background

We need to make more sensible applications, so there should be enough city for user to select rather than fixed a few cities listed in the database.


For the solution I take a reference of F-OH project's idea.

  • Found world time api's url:

No default timezone setting instruction

Problem background

The default timezone is Asia/Shanghai, rather than Europe/Warsaw


Inserted a sim card but the timezone is still the same.


Current device's system timezone can't be changed.

Lists of Timezones should be sorted by Alphabet

Problem background

The city list items should be sorted somehow, so it's nice to have a Alphabet scroll bar.


Layout main structure
Stack({ alignContent: Alignment.End }) {
   // List layout  
   Column() {
        List() {
   // Alphabet index navigator
List item data format
      timezone: 'Africa',
      name: 'Zanzibar',
      offset: 3,
      headerWord: 'Z'
      timezone: 'Asia',
      name: 'Shanghai',
      offset: 8,
      headerWord: 'S'
List layout

Alphabet grouping effect: Display only one with the same character.

// List data
  @State unfilteredCities: City[] = supportedSystemTimezone
// Scroller controller
private scroller: Scroller = new Scroller()

List({ scroller: this.scroller }) {
  ForEach(this.unfilteredCities, (item: City, index: number) => {
    ListItem() {
      Column() {
        // Alphabet layout
        if (index == 0) {
          // The 1st alphabet for sure to show
        } else {
          // Show if current character is not the same with previous one 
          if (item.headerWord != this.unfilteredCities[index-1].headerWord) {
        // List content layout
        Row() {

Alphabet index navigation

Obtains the map set corresponding to the letters and indexes in the list. The display condition of the letter layout is the same as that of the list.

  private mapAlphabetsIndex(): Map<string, number> {
    let mapAlphabetsIndex: Map<string, number> = new Map()

    for (let i = 0; i < this.unfilteredCities.length; i++) {
      const element = this.unfilteredCities[i];
      // Add first alphabet letter directly into Map
      if (i === 0) {
        mapAlphabetsIndex.set(element.headerWord, i);
      } else {
        // If current alphabet letter is different with pervious one, then add it into 'Map'
        if (element.headerWord != this.unfilteredCities[i - 1].headerWord) {
          mapAlphabetsIndex.set(element.headerWord, i);
    return mapAlphabetsIndex;
private alphabets: string[] = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
@State private selectedIndex: number = 0
// Alphabet index navigator
AlphabetIndexer({ arrayValue: this.alphabets, selected: this.selectedIndex })
  .onSelect((index: number) => {
    // Chosen alphabet letter
    const alphabet = this.alphabets[index];

    // Call mapAlphabetsIndex,get 'alphabet letter' - 'Index' mapping table
    const mapIndex = this.mapAlphabetsIndex().get(alphabet);

    if (mapIndex !== undefined) {
      // Jump into designated index position
      this.scroller.scrollToIndex(mapIndex);, `Selected alphabet "${alphabet}" found in the map.`, `mapIndex:${mapIndex}`);

    } else {
      hilog.error(0x00, `Selected alphabet "${alphabet}" not found in the map.`, 'error');
Sliding the selected letter in the list
List({ scroller: this.scroller }) {
.onScrollIndex((start, end) => {
  // Listen to the index on the top of the slide and query the corresponding data.
  const element = this.unfilteredCities[start]
  // Update chosen alphabet index
  this.selectedIndex = this.alphabets.indexOf(element.headerWord)

Reference material

ArkUI (TS) Declarative Development: List Alphabet Index Navigation:

Can not add the same city many times

Problem backgorund

We can add the same city to the list, which shouldn't be able to.


Step 1

We should use PersistentStorage to store the selected cities.

Define the list outside, and use the variable inside the struct

PersistentStorage.persistProp<string[]>('selectedCities', [])
@State private selectedIndex: number = 0
Step 2

Inside ForEach loop of our list, we should check if current list exists in the selected list array.

If the list item had been selected, we can add a small label and prompt a widget to show some information.

We can make the list item within a if...else... statement, if the list item had been selected, we should a selected style, otherwise when the list item is clicked, we push it into our selected list item array.

ForEach(this.unfilteredCities, (item: City, index: number) => {
  if(this.selectedCities.includes( {
    Row() {
      Column() {
        Text(`UTC${item.offset >= 0 ? '+' + item.offset.toString()
          .padStart(2, '0') :
          '-' + Math.abs(item.offset).toString().padStart(2, '0')}:00`)
    .onClick(() => {
        message: 'The city was added to the list!'
  else {
      Row() {
        Column() {
          //Suplement UTC with correct format
          Text(`UTC${item.offset >= 0 ? '+' + item.offset.toString()
            .padStart(2, '0') :
            '-' + Math.abs(item.offset).toString().padStart(2, '0')}:00`)
.onClick(() => {
  if (!this.selectedCities.includes( {

Use persistentStorage-to-keep-selected-lists-info

Problem background

We should have the selected city list on Index page, and when we kill the application, the data disappeared.


To solve this problem we need to use PersisntentStorage.

To define it:

PersistentStorage.persistProp<string[]>('selectedCities', [])

To use it:

  @StorageLink('selectedCities') selectedCities: string[] = []

Via the @StroageLink decorator, we can get controll to the app data even after the app is killed.

Reference material

construct your app with @PersistentStorage:

Show list time status compared with current timezone time

Problem background

When we add a city into our index page, there is no information about the difference between selected cities and current timezone's city, user might get confused.


Text(`UTC${item.offset >= 0 ? '+' + item.offset.toString()
  .padStart(2, '0') :
  '-' + Math.abs(item.offset).toString().padStart(2, '0')}:00`)


Time Around The World: An app showcasing multi-timezone clocks



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