This demo single page application (SPA) project shows an example how Spring Boot application can be integrated with AngularJS frontend framework. Simple CRUD Item implementation was chosen as showcase. This project will be used for Month with IT Tieto program to demonstrate an example application and introduce participants to the tooling that will be used.
- Backend
- Spring Boot
- H2 in memory database which saves state to ./h2/database-dev
- Liquibase for database migrations
- Spring Data CRUD repository JDBC implementation: cz.jirutka.spring:spring-data-jdbc-repository
- Java Bean validation for server side validation
- Frontend
- Using Maven com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin to have separate frontend build
- NPM for library management
- Webpack to package libraries + custom code into single JS/CSS file.
- AngularJS
- Angular UI Router (not the default one)
- Angular Messages for front-end validation
- Bootstrap CSS components
- SASS for custom styles
Application is started on localhost:8080 by default.
mvn spring-boot:run
or ./run run
To autosync frontend code ./run sync-assets
Simply run Application class `main` method.
Single server side view /src/main/resources/static/index.html
is served by Spring. When it is loaded Angular
takes care of client side routing part and backend is used as a REST Api.
and styles.bundle.css
are bundled using Webpack. Its configuration is in webpack.config.js
contains libraries, custom code, angular templates.
contains bootstrap css and custom SASS compiled into CSS.
All frontend code is at src/main/app
Consider an example when we are building some kind of user management page.
Each folder in app
should represent a business unit e.g user-management
, news-feed
should contain separate components for that page.
├── app.js
├── item <- domain entity folder. In our case it is `Item`
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── details <- details page of item used for updating, deleting
│ │ │ ├── details_component.js
│ │ │ └── details.html
│ │ ├── index.js
│ │ ├── list <- list page where all items are displayed
│ │ │ ├── list_component.js
│ │ │ └── list.html
│ │ └── new-item <- new item entry page
│ │ ├── new_item_component.js
│ │ ├── new_item.html
│ │ └── new_item.scss
│ ├── index.js
│ └── services <- purpose is simialar to backend's: common logic + integration with API
│ ├── index.js
│ └── item_list_service.js
├── main_component.js
├── main.html
├── main_module.js
└── routes.js
Backend Java code is at src/main/java/lt/tieto/angular_spring_rest_demo
is an entry point for Spring Boot application.
package is for common things like base implementation of repository, controller, some utils etc.
package is for implementing item
If we had more domain objects we could create packages like lt.tieto.angular_spring_rest_demo.user
, lt.tieto.angular_spring_rest_demo.account
Explanation of lt.tieto.angular_spring_rest_demo.item
are classes that should have minimal implementation. They are used to join services with the representation layer. In this case - REST JSON Api. They are responsible for routes mapping and invocation of services that does all the work.models
are classes that represent resources of API. They are just data holders that are returned by controllers. Models can have somejavax.validation
are classes that performs all the business logic. In our case there is not much logic and just mapping from database model, but in real life scenario more complex calculations or data aggregation should be done in service. Most of the time services also perform mapping from repository models to API models however in some cases it might be useful to defined separate service models..repositories
are classes that interact with databases. It is a good practice to separate database modelDbModel
from API models because in more complex scenarios they tend to differ. SQL queries are implemented here. Most commons queries likefindAll
are inherited. For custom queriesJdbcOperations
should be injected and used with already implementedRowMapper