A simple tarot spread generator built with React! Draw 1, 2, or 3 cards depending on what you need. I built this because I wanted to play around with Glitch but also wanted an excuse to look into tarot. https://pocket-tarot.glitch.me
- Built on Glitch
- Built with React
- I'm using this Tarot Card API based on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck for the information on the cards.
- The images are saved from The Pictorial Key to the Tarot and hosted by me. It looks like the images are no under public domain in the US. I'm not sure how this works for me since I'm in Canada, but hey you can read more about it on Sacred Texts's Copyright FAQ page about it.
I wasn't really sure how to add this information on the app itself without writing an essay. So instead, here are the sources I've consulted while building this:
- https://labyrinthos.co/pages/one-card-tarot
- http://www.kateyflowers.com/blog/tarot-spreads-for-beginners
- https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/the-major-tarot-card-spreads/#linear
- https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/learn-tarot-with-labyrinthos-academy/3-card-tarot-spreads-simple-tarot-spreads-organized-by-layout
- Maybe build a two card cross?
- Celtic cross layout? o: