Ginga v3.2.0
Minimum supported Python version is now 3.7
Fixed some numpy deprecation warnings with numpy 1.19.0
Canvas shapes can now be copied
Added an option to make a copy of existing shape in Drawing plugin
Added an option to make a copy of existing cut in Cuts plugin
Added new iqcalc_astropy module to handle FWHM fitting and source finding using astropy and photutils
Added new calc_fwhm_lib configuration item to let Pick switch between iqcalc and iqcalc_astropy
Fixed a bug where certain plots were not cleared in Pick plugin
Removed support for matplotlib versions < 2.1
Added bicubic and bilinear interpolation methods to OpenGL backend
Fixed a bug where the FWHM labels in the plot didn't match report values in the Pick plugin
Fixed a bug in gtk/cairo backend where paths were not drawn correctly
Included a couple of additional bundled fonts to improve legibility of small text
Fixed a bug in PixTable that reversed pixel indices on display
Added box sum and median results to PixTable; also improved statistics display
Fixed an issue for the Tk Ginga widget if PIL.ImageTk was not installed
Changed splitter widget so that the "thumbs" have a visual indicator
Fixed an issue with cursor warp in free panning with Gtk3 backend
Fixed an issue where the cursor was not changed from the default
Fixed Pick plugin to autozoom the pick and contour images
Fixed an issue where Thumbs plugin might not show initial thumb(s) when main window is enlarged to certain sizes
Added "orientation" setting to orientable plugins
Enhancements to Histogram plugin: ability to click in plot to set low and high cuts levels, scroll plot to expand or contract cuts width
Crosshair plugin enhanced to have fast X/Y cuts plot feature; cuts plot removed from Pick plugin
Fixed an issue where the Pick plugin would not start due to a change to matplotlib canvas initialization
Updates to Catalogs plugin:
- new astronomical object lookup section for SIMBAD or NED
- new ability to specify some astroquery catalog and image sources in the
configuration file - API not compatible with previous releases, including configuration via