Android app companion for flashed hoverboards in UART mode.
- Flash your hoverboard using the EFeru repo
- Connect the hoverboard to a usb adapter
- Connect the android to the usb adapter
November 2023
- Peer to peer remote controller using nearby library
4 May 2022
- Click on the header to change controller (Joystick or Lever)
- Add Amazon Chime lib
13 Apr 2022
- Joystick Fragment
- Serial Connection
- First Commmit
Please help!! This project as an angle on recycled robotics
The hoverboard needs to follow the phone direction taken from the gyroscope.
Using nearby library is possible to stream proximity camera to a linux server that can drive the car.
The new android phone have a built in depth depth camera. Is it feasible to build such a system ?
Wireless debug adb tcpip 5555 Get the device IP from wifi details of the phone adb connect