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KDTrees (#206)
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josevalim authored Nov 6, 2023
1 parent d5c15a4 commit d730ded
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Showing 7 changed files with 448 additions and 4 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions benchmarks/kd_tree.exs
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# mix run benchmarks/kd_tree.exs
Nx.Defn.global_default_options(compiler: EXLA)

key = Nx.Random.key(System.os_time())
{uniform, _new_key} = Nx.Random.uniform(key, shape: {1000, 3})
"unbounded" => fn -> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.unbounded(uniform) end,
"bounded" => fn -> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.bounded(uniform, 2) end
time: 10,
memory_time: 2
350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions lib/scholar/neighbors/kd_tree.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
defmodule Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree do
@moduledoc """
Implements a kd-tree, a space-partitioning data structure for organizing points
in a k-dimensional space.
This is implemented as one-dimensional tensor with indices pointed to highest
dimension of the given tensor. Traversal starts by calling `root/0` and then
accessing the `left_child/1` and `right_child/1`. The tree is left-balanced.
Two construction modes are available:
* `bounded/2` - the tensor has min and max values with an amplitude given by `max - min`.
It is also guaranteed that the `amplitude * levels(tensor) + 1` does not overflow
the tensor. See `amplitude/1` to verify if this holds. This implementation happens
fully within `defn`. This version is orders of magnitude faster than the `unbounded/2`
* `unbounded/2` - there are no known bounds (min and max values) to the tensor.
This implementation is recursive and goes in and out of the `defn`, therefore
it cannot be called inside `defn`.
Each level traverses over the last axis of tensor, the index for a level can be
computed as: `rem(level, Nx.axis_size(tensor, -1))`.
## References
* [GPU-friendly, Parallel, and (Almost-)In-Place Construction of Left-Balanced k-d Trees](

import Nx.Defn

@derive {Nx.Container, keep: [:levels], containers: [:indexes, :data]}
@enforce_keys [:levels, :indexes, :data]
defstruct [:levels, :indexes, :data]

@doc """
Builds a KDTree without known min-max bounds.
If your tensor has known bounds (for example, -1 and 1),
consider using the `bounded/2` version which is often orders of
magnitude more efficient.
## Options
* `:compiler` - the default compiler to use for internal defn operations
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.unbounded(Nx.iota({5, 2}), compiler: EXLA)
data: Nx.iota({5, 2}),
levels: 3,
indexes: Nx.u32([3, 1, 4, 0, 2])
def unbounded(tensor, opts \\ []) do
levels = levels(tensor)
{size, _dims} = Nx.shape(tensor)

indexes =
if size > 2 do
subtree_size = unbounded_subtree_size(1, levels, size)
{left, mid, right} = Nx.Defn.jit_apply(&root_slice(&1, subtree_size), [tensor], opts)

acc = <<Nx.to_number(mid)::32-unsigned-native-integer>>
acc = recur([{1, left}, {2, right}], [], acc, tensor, 1, levels, opts)
Nx.from_binary(acc, :u32)
Nx.argsort(tensor[[.., 0]], direction: :desc, type: :u32)

%__MODULE__{levels: levels, indexes: indexes, data: tensor}

defp recur([{_i, %Nx.Tensor{shape: {1}} = leaf} | rest], next, acc, tensor, level, levels, opts) do
[leaf] = Nx.to_flat_list(leaf)
acc = <<acc::binary, leaf::32-unsigned-native-integer>>
recur(rest, next, acc, tensor, level, levels, opts)

defp recur([{i, %Nx.Tensor{shape: {2}} = node} | rest], next, acc, tensor, level, levels, opts) do
acc = <<acc::binary, Nx.to_number(node[1])::32-unsigned-native-integer>>
next = [{left_child(i), Nx.slice(node, [0], [1])} | next]
recur(rest, next, acc, tensor, level, levels, opts)

defp recur([{i, indexes} | rest], next, acc, tensor, level, levels, opts) do
%Nx.Tensor{shape: {size, dims}} = tensor
k = rem(level, dims)
subtree_size = unbounded_subtree_size(left_child(i), levels, size)

{left, mid, right} =
Nx.Defn.jit_apply(&recur_slice(&1, &2, &3, subtree_size), [tensor, indexes, k], opts)

next = [{right_child(i), right}, {left_child(i), left} | next]
acc = <<acc::binary, Nx.to_number(mid)::32-unsigned-native-integer>>
recur(rest, next, acc, tensor, level, levels, opts)

defp recur([], [], acc, _tensor, _level, _levels, _opts) do

defp recur([], next, acc, tensor, level, levels, opts) do
recur(Enum.reverse(next), [], acc, tensor, level + 1, levels, opts)

defp root_slice(tensor, subtree_size) do
indexes = Nx.argsort(tensor[[.., 0]], type: :u32)

{Nx.slice(indexes, [0], [subtree_size]), indexes[subtree_size],
Nx.slice(indexes, [subtree_size + 1], [Nx.size(indexes) - subtree_size - 1])}

defp recur_slice(tensor, indexes, k, subtree_size) do
sorted = Nx.argsort(Nx.take(tensor, indexes)[[.., k]], type: :u32)
indexes = Nx.take(indexes, sorted)

{Nx.slice(indexes, [0], [subtree_size]), indexes[subtree_size],
Nx.slice(indexes, [subtree_size + 1], [Nx.size(indexes) - subtree_size - 1])}

defp unbounded_subtree_size(i, levels, size) do
import Bitwise
diff = levels - unbounded_level(i) - 1
shifted = 1 <<< diff
fllc_s = (i <<< diff) + shifted - 1
shifted - 1 + min(max(0, size - fllc_s), shifted)

defp unbounded_level(i) when is_integer(i), do: floor(:math.log2(i + 1))

@doc """
Builds a KDTree with known min-max bounds entirely within `defn`.
This requires the amplitude `|max - min|` of the tensor to be given
such that `max + (amplitude + 1) * (size - 1)` does not overflow the
maximum tensor type.
For example, a tensor where all values are between 0 and 1 has amplitude
1. Values between -1 and 1 has amplitude 2. If your tensor is normalized
to floating points, then it is most likely bounded (given their high
precision). You can use `amplitude/1` to check your assumptions.
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.bounded(Nx.iota({5, 2}), 10)
data: Nx.iota({5, 2}),
levels: 3,
indexes: Nx.u32([3, 1, 4, 0, 2])
deftransform bounded(tensor, amplitude) do
%__MODULE__{levels: levels(tensor), indexes: bounded_n(tensor, amplitude), data: tensor}

defnp bounded_n(tensor, amplitude) do
levels = levels(tensor)
{size, dims} = Nx.shape(tensor)
band = amplitude + 1
tags = Nx.broadcast(Nx.u32(0), {size})

{level, tags, _tensor, _band} =
while {level = Nx.u32(0), tags, tensor, band}, level < levels - 1 do
k = rem(level, dims)
indexes = Nx.argsort(tensor[[.., k]] + band * tags, type: :u32)
tags = update_tags(tags, indexes, level, levels, size)
{level + 1, tags, tensor, band}

k = rem(level, dims)
Nx.argsort(tensor[[.., k]] + band * tags, type: :u32)

defnp update_tags(tags, indexes, level, levels, size) do
pos = Nx.argsort(indexes, type: :u32)

pivot =
bounded_segment_begin(tags, levels, size) +
bounded_subtree_size(left_child(tags), levels, size)
pos < (1 <<< level) - 1,
pos < pivot,
pos > pivot,

defnp bounded_subtree_size(i, levels, size) do
diff = levels - bounded_level(i) - 1
shifted = 1 <<< diff
first_lowest_level = (i <<< diff) + shifted - 1
# Use select instead of max to deal with overflows
lowest_level = > size, Nx.u32(0), size - first_lowest_level)
shifted - 1 + min(lowest_level, shifted)

defnp bounded_segment_begin(i, levels, size) do
level = bounded_level(i)
top = (1 <<< level) - 1
diff = levels - level - 1
shifted = 1 <<< diff
left_siblings = i - top

top + left_siblings * (shifted - 1) +
min(left_siblings * shifted, size - (1 <<< (levels - 1)) + 1)

# Since this property relies on u32, let's check the tensor type.
deftransformp bounded_level(%Nx.Tensor{type: {:u, 32}} = i) do
Nx.subtract(31, Nx.count_leading_zeros(Nx.add(i, 1)))

@doc """
Returns the amplitude of a bounded tensor.
If -1 is returned, it means the tensor cannot use the `bounded` algorithm
to generate a KDTree and `unbounded/2` must be used instead.
This cannot be invoked inside a `defn`.
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.amplitude(Nx.iota({10, 2}))
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.amplitude(Nx.iota({20, 2}, type: :f32))
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.amplitude(Nx.iota({20, 2}, type: :u8))
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.amplitude(Nx.negate(Nx.iota({10, 2})))
def amplitude(tensor) do
max = tensor |> Nx.reduce_max() |> Nx.to_number()
min = tensor |> Nx.reduce_min() |> Nx.to_number()
amplitude = abs(max - min)
limit = tensor.type |> Nx.Constants.max_finite() |> Nx.to_number()

if max + (amplitude + 1) * (Nx.axis_size(tensor, 0) - 1) > limit do

@doc """
Returns the number of resulting levels in a KDTree for `tensor`.
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.levels(Nx.iota({10, 3}))
deftransform levels(%Nx.Tensor{} = tensor) do
case Nx.shape(tensor) do
{size, _dims} -> ceil(:math.log2(size + 1))
_ -> raise ArgumentError, "KDTrees requires a tensor of rank 2"

@doc """
Returns the root index.
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.root()
deftransform root, do: 0

@doc """
Returns the parent of child `i`.
It is your responsibility to guarantee the result is positive.
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.parent(1)
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.parent(2)
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.parent(Nx.u32(3))
deftransform parent(i) when is_integer(i), do: div(i - 1, 2)
deftransform parent(%Nx.Tensor{} = t), do: Nx.quotient(Nx.subtract(t, 1), 2)

@doc """
Returns the index of the left child of i.
It is your responsibility to guarantee the result
is not greater than the leading axis of the tensor.
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.left_child(0)
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.left_child(1)
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.left_child(Nx.u32(3))
deftransform left_child(i) when is_integer(i), do: 2 * i + 1
deftransform left_child(%Nx.Tensor{} = t), do: Nx.add(Nx.multiply(2, t), 1)

@doc """
Returns the index of the right child of i.
It is your responsibility to guarantee the result
is not greater than the leading axis of the tensor.
## Examples
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.right_child(0)
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.right_child(1)
iex> Scholar.Neighbors.KDTree.right_child(Nx.u32(3))
deftransform right_child(i) when is_integer(i), do: 2 * i + 2
deftransform right_child(%Nx.Tensor{} = t), do: Nx.add(Nx.multiply(2, t), 2)
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lib/scholar/neighbors/radius_nearest_neighbors.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
defmodule Scholar.Neighbors.RadiusNearestNeighbors do
@moduledoc """
The Radius Nearest Neighbors. It implements both classification and regression.
The Radius Nearest Neighbors.
It implements both classification and regression.
import Nx.Defn
import Scholar.Shared
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions mix.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,10 +31,11 @@ defmodule Scholar.MixProject do
{:ex_doc, "~> 0.30", only: :docs},
# {:nx, "~> 0.6", override: true},
{:nx, github: "elixir-nx/nx", sparse: "nx", override: true},
{:nx, github: "elixir-nx/nx", sparse: "nx", override: true, branch: "v0.6"},
{:nimble_options, "~> 0.5.2 or ~> 1.0"},
{:exla, "~> 0.6", optional: true},
{:polaris, "~> 0.1"}
{:polaris, "~> 0.1"},
{:benchee, "~> 1.0", only: :dev}

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