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Sample configurations to use jmeter server/controller on OCP

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Jmeter on OCP

This project is a collection of samples file to run jmeter in remote/controller mode. You can read the official jmeter documentation to run jmeter in remote/controller mode.

The samples use 4 components:

  • Demo web application 'cool-app': Used as performance test target application.
  • Jmeter Server Remote (Slave): Worker image, is used by a controller to delegate performance test execution.
  • Jmeter Controller: Is the standard image to use for controlling a pipeline.
  • Openshift Job: OCP Job use the Jmeter Controller image to lunch a specific test.

Create the main OCP project

Login as normal user (eg: developer), run the command:

oc new-project ci-cd

Create the demo app

For this example we will deploy the cool-app in the same project ci-cd of Jenkins.

Go to the project subfolder web-app.

Build the application following the building istructions

Then we can create the relevant object in order to deploy in OCP:

oc new-build --image-stream=openshift/jboss-webserver31-tomcat8-openshift:1.1 --name=cool-app --binary=true

We can now start the binary deploy:

oc start-build cool-app --from-file=./target/ROOT.war

Deploy a new app:

oc new-app cool-app

Create the route:

oc expose svc/cool-app

In the web-app subfolder there is a script with all the commands.

Create Jmeter server remote (slave) image

Go to project sub folder jmeter-server-remote

Create the new build:

oc new-build --strategy docker --binary --name jmeter-server-remote

Build our image:

oc start-build jmeter-server-remote --from-dir . --follow

In the jmeter-server-remote subfolder there is a script with all the commands.

Just to test you can create at least one running pod:

oc new-app jmeter-server-remote

The above command will start a new pod from the previously create build.

NOTE: all the instances are started with -Dserver.rmi.ssl.disable=true to turn off SSL.

Create Jmeter Controller image

Go to project sub folder jmeter-controller

Create the new build:

oc new-build --strategy docker --binary --name jmeter-controller

Build our image:

oc start-build jmeter-controller --from-dir ./jmeter-controller-image/ --follow

In the jmeter-controller subfolder there is a script with all the commands.

Setup the Jmeter project

In this example the jmeter test file is in the cool-app subfolder

cool-app-jmeter.jmx: is the test plan generated with Jmeter tool.

Setup Jenkins for performance plugin

oc new-app jenkins -e INSTALL_PLUGINS=performance:3.8

To troubleshooting problems please refer to OCP Jenkins documentation


Use this command to install the jmeter pipeline:

oc process -f openshift_templates/pipeline-load-testing-template.yaml -p JMETER_SLAVE_NODES_NUMBER=2 -p JENKINS_USER=demo-admin -p JENKINS_PWD_TOKEN=28a8fc209210fc6f4174e0f2c5d502c6 -p JMETER_TEST_FILE_URL= -p JMETER_JOB_TEMPLATE_URL= -o yaml |oc create -f -

  • JMETER_SLAVE_NODES_NUMBER: How many test executor you need for testing the parallelism
  • JENKINS_USER: You need to pass a jenkins username
  • JENKINS_PWD_TOKEN: You need to pass a valid jenkins token for API Calls refer to (

The Pipeline Runs jmeter controller as job

So you need to pass parameters:

  • JMX_FILE_URL: the url of the jmx where the jmeter test is stored (also a github raw content)
  • APPLICATION_NAME: the application name

The pipeline will get the ips of remote jmeter server running

oc describe pods -l app=jmeter-server-remote|grep IP|awk '{print $2'}| tr '\n' ','| sed 's/,$//'

eg (note that the server list must be changed according to your environment):

oc process -f jmeter-job-template.yaml -p TIMESTAMP=1234 -p TEST_PLAN_URL=http://example.url/jmeter-test.jmx -p REMOTE_SERVERS_LIST=, -o yaml --local=true

You get the yaml processed template.

If you want you can pipe the process command to an oc create -f


oc process -f jmeter-job-template.yam [...] |oc create -f -

To get the status of your job you can run:

oc get pods -l job-name=jmeter-controller-job-<TIMESTAMP>


oc get pods -l job-name=jmeter-controller-job-1234

The output should be something like this:

NAME                               READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
jmeter-controller-job-1234-gznfw   0/1       Completed   0          1h


  • Remove the curl that retrieve the job controller template
  • Move the performanceReport into the Collecting results phase
  • Cleanup the Collecting results phase from grep
  • Remove the JMX_FILE_URL parameter and the relative curl and execute a git clone, and a find of all jmx files