⚡ Fast full-text search for Elixir
This library provides simple, fast, in-memory full-text search functionality for Elixir applications.
- 🧠 Memory efficient indexing of documents
- 🔎 Exact match search
- 🏃 Prefix search
- 🧩 Fuzzy search
- 🔢 Modern search result ranking algorithm
- 🔀 Add and remove documents anytime
The package can be installed by adding search
to your list of dependencies in
def deps do
{:search, "~> 0.3"}
To create a new index, use the new/1
function with a list of fields to be
index = Search.new(fields: [:title, :content])
To add a document to the index, use the add/2
function with the index and the
document = %{id: 1, title: "Elixir", content: "Elixir is a dynamic, functional language."}
index = Search.add!(index, document)
You can also add multiple documents at once:
documents = [
%{id: 2, title: "Phoenix", content: "Phoenix is a web framework for Elixir."},
%{id: 3, title: "Nerves", content: "Nerves is a framework for embedded systems."}
index = Search.add!(index, documents)
To remove a document from the index, use the remove/2
function with the index
and the document:
index = Search.remove!(index, document)
You can also remove multiple documents at once:
index = Search.remove!(index, documents)
To search the index, use the search/3
function with the index and the query
Search.search(index, "web famewrk", prefix?: true, fuzzy?: true)
id: 2,
matches: %{"framework" => [:content], "web" => [:content]},
fields: %{},
score: 1.6965399945163802,
terms: ["web", "framework"]
id: 3,
matches: %{"framework" => [:content]},
fields: %{},
score: 0.24367025800793077,
terms: ["framework"]
The library uses a Radix tree for efficient indexing and retrieval of terms. It also implements the BM25 algorithm for relevance scoring and the Levenstein distance algorithm for calculating edit distances.
is released under the Apache License 2.0
This package was written by Elliot Jackson.
- Blog: https://elliotekj.com
- Email: [email protected]