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Command line program to query linguistic distributional models

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LDM-Query: query corpora and linguistic distributional models

LDM-Query is a Python program which lets you query corpora and linguistic distributional models (LDMs).

For now it is controlled using a command line interface, and requires you to install Python and a few modules.

What's here

Downloading and installation

You should use Git to clone the package. First make sure you have Git intalled, and you have access to the repository on Github. (Ask me for access if you don't have it.) You may also have to create and authorise an ssh key for your Github account. Then, in a command line, run:

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:emcoglab/ldm-query.git

(The --recurse-submodules option is important because LDM-Query is a command-line-interface wrapper around the main corpus analysis code, which is included as a Git submodule. If you forgot to include --recurse-submodules, you can run git submodule update --init after your usual clone).

This will download all the code necessary to run the LDM-Query program.

LDM-Query requires Python 3.7 or greater, and requires a number of additional Python packages to be installed. You can download Python from its website, or use a distribution and package manager like Conda. Make sure you have the right version of Python installed using

python --version

LDM-Query's additional requirements are listed in requirements.txt. You can automatically download and install these dependencies using the pip tool, which is included with Python. Once Python is installed, use pip to install the dependencies like this:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you use Python for more than just this, you may want to use virtualenv to isolate the packages you install, but this is not strictly necessary.

Finally, once all these modules are installed, you can run LDM-Query from the command line. First go to the directory you cloned to. On Mac and Linux this is done with cd:

cd <path-to-cloned-ldm-query>

Then invoke the program like:


You may first need to activate a virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Getting updates

To see if there are updates, run the commands:

git fetch
git status

To pull updates into your local copy, use the following two commands:

git pull
git submodule update

Then everything should be up to date. If you have made local changes you may need to stash them first.


Before LDM-Query can be properly used, it must be configured so it knows where the files containing the corpora and LDMs are stored on your computer.

These are set in the file config.yaml, which is a text file in YAML format. Comments in that file should explain how to set your preferences.

When you have the required files downloaded and located where you want them, copy their absolute paths into the relevant places in config.yaml. Note that some of the files for the model must be located in specifically named directory hierarchies — these requirements are explained in comments in config.yaml.

Usage: overview

LDM-Query can do several things:

  • Count occurrences of a token within a corpus
  • Look up the rank frequency of a token
  • Get the vector representation of a token from a vector-based LDM
  • Compare a pair of tokens in a vector-based LDM using a given distance measure
  • Compare a pair of tokens in an n-gram-based LDM

In general, the model of usage is as follows:

python \
    <mode> \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --model <model-name> [<embedding size>] \
        --radius <window-radius> \
        --distance <distance-type> \
        --word(-pair) "<first-word>" ("<second-word>")

where some of the arguments are optional depending on context. (Here, the backslashes \ just "escape" line breaks in the command line.) So for example:

python frequency --corpus subtitles --word "house"

would look up the frequency of the word "house" in the "BBC subtitles" corpus (giving the answer 134711).

The available <mode>s are:

  • frequency: Returns the frequency a word in a corpus.
  • rank: Returns the rank frequency of a word in a corpus (1 means most frequent).
  • vector: Returns the vector representation of a word in a vector-based LDM.
  • compare: Compares two words using an LDM.

Each of the available usage modes and options are explained in full, with examples, below.

Usage: options

Options refer to parts of the command line invocation after the mode. These will always be a double hyphen, followed immediately by the option name, then with extra parameters following it, separated by spaces. For example, to compare the words "cat" and "dog" using cosine distance in the log co-occurrence model trained on the subtitles corpus with window radius 5, we would use the command:

python \
    compare \
        --corpus subtitles \
        --model log-cooccurrence \
        --distance cosine \
        --radius 5 \
        --word-pair "cat" "dog"

which would produce the result 0.22612953158753657 (there may be a difference in the last few digits depending on your system).

Options can be given in any order after the mode, so we would get same result by running:

python \
    compare \
        --word-pair "cat" "dog" \
        --distance cosine \
        --model log-cooccurrence \
        --radius 5 \
        --corpus subtitles

Some options can be used with several usage modes (such as --corpus, which is used with every mode), and some are specific (such as --distance, which is only used with the compare mode when using a vector-based LDM). ​
These are all the options, what they mean, what values they can take, and what modes they are used with.

  • --corpus <corpus-name>: The corpus <corpus-name> will be used. Required in all LDM-Query modes. The permissible values of <corpus-name> are:

    • bnc to use the 100-million-word BNC corpus.
    • subtitles to use the 200-million-word BBC Subtitles corpus.
    • ukwac to use the 2-billion-word UKWAC corpus.
  • --model <model-name> [<embedding-size>]: The specification of the LDM to be used. Required for vector and compare modes. The permissible values of <model-name> are:

    • N-gram models:
      • log-ngram: The log n-gram count model.
      • conditional-probability-ngram: The conditional probability n-gram model.
        • A note about the conditional probability n-gram model: The conditional probability n-gram model is not symmetric. In other words, the order of the words in the word pair matters for the result. In all cases, the first word will be treated as the target word $t$ and the second word will be treated as the context word $c$. The result returned will be the conditional probability $p(c|t)$, i.e. the probability of finding the word $c$ in the context of the target word $t$.
      • probability-ratio-ngram: The probability ratio n-gram model.
      • ppmi-ngram: The positive pointwise mutual information (PPMI) n-gram model.
    • Count vector models:
      • log-cooccurrence: The log co-occurrence count vector model.
      • conditional-probability: The conditional probability vector model.
      • probability-ratio: The probability ratio vector model.
      • ppmi: The PPMI vector model.
    • Predict vector models:
      • skip-gram: The skip-gram model from word2vec.
      • cbow: The continuous bag of words (CBOW) model from word2vec.

    Following the model name, a number is given to specify the embedding size (for predict vector models only).

    python compare --word-pair "cat" "dog" --corpus bnc --distance cosine --model cbow 300 --radius 5

    would compare the words "cat" and "dog" using cosine distance using the CBOW model with embedding size 300 and window radius 5, trained on the BNC. Whereas

    python compare --word-pair "cat" "dog" --corpus bnc --distance cosine --model ppmi --radius 5

    would make the same comparison using the PPMI model with window radius 5.

  • --radius <window-radius>: The context window radius used in the model. Required whenever --model is used. The permissible values of <window-radius> are 1, 3, 5, or 10.

  • --distance <distance-type>: The distance type for comparing vectors. Required for compare modes when (and only when) the --model is a count vector model or a predict vector model (i.e. not an n-gram model). The permissible values of <distance-type> are:

    • cosine: Cosine distance.
    • correlation: Correlation distance.
    • euclidean: Euclidean distance.
  • --word "<word>": The word to be looked up. Only available in frequency and rank modes. The word should be surrounded with double-quote marks. Only single-word tokens can be used. The logic for what counts as a single-word token is quite complex, but (for example) "single-word" is a single word word (i.e. hyphens are allowed), and "two words" and "word's" aren't (i.e. spaces and apostrophes are considered to break a word).

  • --word-pair "<first-word>" "<second-word>": Word pair to be compared. Only available in the compare mode. Only single-word tokens can be used (logic same as for --word) and words should be surrounded by double quotes.

  • --words-from-file "<path-to-csv>": Words to be used, in a csv. Can be used anywhere --word can be. Can also be used in the compare mode. <path-to-csv> should be the absolute path to a csv file, and should be surrounded in double quotes. See the "Passing words in CSV format" section for more info on how the CSV should be formatted and what the results will be.

  • --word-pairs-from-file "<path-to-csv>": Words to be used, in a csv. Can be used anywhere --word-pair can be. <path-to-csv> should be the absolute path to a csv file, and should be surrounded in double quotes. See the "Passing words in CSV format" section for more info on how the CSV should be formatted and what the results will be.

  • --combinator <combinator-type>: The vector combinator to use for multi-word tokens. Only valid for compare modes, and only when the --model is a count vector model or a predict vector model (i.e. not an n-gram model). The permissible values of <combinator-type> are:

    • additive: Adds the vectors for each word in a multi-word term.
    • multiplicative: Elementwise multiplies the vectors for each word in a multi-word term.
    • mean: Vectors for each word are combined by taking the mean. The same as finding the centroid.
    • none (default): All terms are treated as single tokens, without processing sub-strings as separate words.
  • --output-file "<path-to-file>": Path to file where results will be written. If this optional paramter is given, the results will be written to the specified file rather than displayed in the terminal. <path-to-csv> should be the absolute path to a csv file, and should be surrounded in double quotes. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

Usage: frequency mode

Returns the frequency of a word in the specified corpus.

python \
    frequency \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --word "<word>"
python \
    frequency \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --words-from-file "<path-to-file>" \
        --output-file "<path-to-file>"

Required options:

  • --corpus.
  • Either --word or --words-from-file.

Optional options:

  • --output-file.


  • If the --word option is used, the output will be the frequency of the word as an integer.
  • If the --words-from-file option is used, the output will be csv-formatted, with a two columns:
    • "Word"
    • "Frequency in corpus"


$> python frequency --corpus subtitles --word "house"

$> python frequency --corpus subtitles --words-from-file "/Users/cai/Desktop/wordlist.txt"
house: 134711
cat: 13241
hasdfasdsfasdfjkas: 0

Usage: rank mode

Returns the rank of a word in the specified corpus, by frequency.

python \
    rank \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --word "<word>"
python \
    rank \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --words-from-file "<path-to-file>" \
        --output-file "<path-to-file>"

Required options:

  • --corpus.
  • Either --word or --words-from-file.

Optional options:

  • --output-file.


  • If the --word option is used, the output will be the rank of the word in the corpus, ordered by frequency, with 1 being the most frequent word in the corpus.
  • If the --words-from-file option is used, the output will be csv-formatted, with a two columns:
    • "Word"
    • "Rank in corpus"


$> python rank --corous subtitles --word "house"

$> python rank --corpus subtitles --words-from-file "/Users/cai/Desktop/wordlist.txt"
house: 176
cat: 1304
hasdfasdsfasdfjkas: None

Usage: vector mode

Returns the vector representation of a word in the specified vector-based LDM.

python \
    vector \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --model <model-name> <embedding-size> <window-radius> \
        --word "<word>"
python \
    vector \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --model <model-name> <embedding-size> <window-radius> \
        --words-from-file "<path-to-file>" \
        --output-file "<path-to-file>"

Required options:

  • --corpus.
  • --model. Must be a vector-based LDM.
  • Either --word or --words-from-file.

Optional options:

  • --output-file.


  • If the --word option is used, the output will be its vector representation in the corpus.
  • If the --words-from-file option is used, the output will be a matrix in CSV format. The first column will be "Word" and the remaining columns will be the entries in the vector.


Usage: compare mode

Returns the comparison score between the specified words in the specified LDM.

python \
    compare \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --model <model-name> <embedding-size> <window-radius> \
        --distance <distance-type> \
        --combinator <combinator-type> \
        --word-pair "<first-word>" "<second-word>"
python \
    compare \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --model <model-name> <embedding-size> <window-radius> \
        --distance <distance-type> \
        --combinator <combinator-type> \
        --word-pairs-from-file "<path-to-file>" \
        --output-file "<path-to-file>"
python \
    compare \
        --corpus <corpus-name> \
        --model <model-name> <embedding-size> <window-radius> \
        --distance <distance-type> \
        --combinator <combinator-type> \
        --words-from-file "<path-to-file>" \
        --output-file "<path-to-file>"

Required options:

  • --corpus.
  • --model.
  • --distance. Only if the model is a vector-based LDM.
  • Either --word-pairs or --word-pairs-from-file or --words-from-file.

Optional options:

  • --combinator.
  • --output-file.


  • If the --word-pair option is used and the model is a vector-based LDM with a --distance also provided, the output will be the distance between the word pair in the specified model using the specified distance. If the model is an n-gram model and --distance is not provided, the output will be the distributional association between the two words.
  • If the --word-pairs-from-file option is used, the output will be a csv with columns:
    • "First word"
    • "Second word"
    • " distance" (in case a distance was used) or "Association" (in case it wasn't).
  • If the --words-from-file option is used, the output will be a csv-formatted distance matrix with a "First word" column and other columns corresponding to each word provided, with entries being the pairwise comparison of those words in the model.


Passing words in CSV format

  • If using the --words-from-file option, the csv should be a single-column file without a header. I.e., a text file with a single word on each line.
  • If using the --word-pairs-from-file option, the csv should be a two-column file without a header. I.e., a text file with two words on each line, separated by a comma.

TODO: fill in examples


Command line program to query linguistic distributional models






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