- Currently studying for a master's degree in Computer Engineering in Automation and Intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems at Politecnico di Torino.
- Bachelor's degree in Ingegneria Informatica at Università degli Studi di Palermo.
- Enhance Security with Robots and AI: (Master's Thesis) development of a software solution for autonomous patrolling of any robot, as well as running inference of AI models within the embedded Nvdia Jetson and the DeepStream SDK
- Sensors, embedded systems and algorithms for Service Robotics: Name is self-explicatory - implemented in ROS2
- ROS1 Implementation of the Extended Kalman Filter
- Nonlinear Control and Aereospace Applications: MATLAB/Simulink implementation of various nonlinear control techniques including Feedback Linearization (FL), Sliding Mode Control (SMC), Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC)
- Modeling and Control of a Cyber-Physical System: implementation of a controller with two approaches based on: 1. a distributed neighborhood observer, and 2. local observer; implementation of the iterative threshold-shrinkage operator to solve sparse attacks on sensor measurements and target localization
- Data Augmentation techniques for Airbus Ship Detection: Using a simple Object Detection task solved via a Faster R-CNN, we put major emphasis on less-known data augmentation techniques to increase the quality of the predictions, such as Patch Gaussian, and Fourier transform-based data augmentation
- Guided Domain Randomization through Adversarial Agent: Reinforcement Learning project developed following GAN-like approach over the Hopper, a one-legged robot (Gym environment)
- QLearning, Policy Gradient methods
- Laurea (wip) : a static React/Bootstrap webapp to promote upcoming graduation
- Sorter: a GTK4/Libadwaita app to sort images, useful with generative AI models
- QuickCapture: a multiplatform screenshot utility written in Rust
- Network Dynamics and Learning: collection of mini-projects dealing with Network Dynamics, covering topics such as Flow Dynamics, French De-Groot learning models, matchings, Random Graphs, Markov Chains, Epidemic Models
- Pacman Tamagotchi: videogame developed on an ARM board
¹roughly speaking, it's Robotics