Mustache is a framework-agnostic templating system that enforces separation of view logic from the template file. Indeed, it is not even possible to embed logic in the template. This allows templates to be reused across language boundaries and for other language independent uses.
Working with Mustache means dealing with templates, views, and contexts. Templates contain HTML (or some other format) and Mustache tags that specify what data to pull in. A template can be either a string or a file (usually ending in .mustache). Views are Erlang modules that can define functions that are called and provide the data for the template tags. A context is an Erlang dict that contains the current context from which tags can pull data. A few examples will clarify how these items interact.
NOTE: This is alpha software. Do not use it in production without extensive testing. The API may change at any time. It still lacks some of the features of Mustache for Ruby and the performance (even with compiled templates) is not yet where I'd like it to be.
To compile the code, navigate to the Mustache.erl project root and issue:
This will produce a mustache.beam
file in the ebin
directory that must be
included in the code path of projects that need it.
The simplest example involves using a string template and a context from the REPL.
Ctx = maps:from_list([{<<"planet">>, <<"World!">>}]).
{IR,Partials} = ai_mustache_parser:parse(<<"Hello {{planet}}">>).
In line 1 we created a context that contains a value bound to the planet
tag. In line 2 we generate some IR code of the template.
In line 3 we render then template by passing in the context.
please refer examples/complex.erl
The engine will start a process named ai_mustache_loader
to manage the templates under given directory.
If a template is a parials, the filename must be prefixed with underscore.
The engine can load the templates without ai_mustche:prepare
, but I recommand that call this fucation once after the tmeplate engine is started. Because the engine use only one gen_server
to load template which may be very slow when the request is arrived.
Ctx = maps:from_list([{<<"planet">>, <<"World!">>}]).
{IR,Partials} = ai_mustache_parser:parse(<<"Hello {{planet}}">>).
第一行创建了一个非常简单的context,其中包行了 planet