Releases: erthward/geonomics
Debugged so that gnx can now row models with rectangular landscapes (checked by plotting genetic PCA for randomly generated landscape, plotting genetic PCA for a raster-loaded landscape with an msprime-initiated population, and plotting phenotypes for raster-loaded landscape with selection). Also debugged burn-in for msprime-initiated species, which were still needlessly running one burn-in timestep before dumping and replacing individuals. Also made some other minor tweaks along the way (see commits).
Corrected and clarified documentation for 'rand_genarch' parameter, and added assert statement to make sure that the number of rows in a custom genomic architecture file matches the genome length stipulated in the parameters file. Clarified documentation for 'msprime' parameters block in Species 'init' parameters. Fixed implementation of 'msprime' init parameters so that burn-in is now short-circuited (since the burnt-in population would be entirely replaced by the msprime-derived individuals anyhow).
Added new functionality to the package to remove any number of Individuals from a Species (Model.remove_individuals
), and to add any number of Individuals to a Species (Model.add_individuals
) by either pulling them from another Species object or simulating them with msprime (gnx.sim_msprime_individuals
). Along with this, also added a new, optional section to the species 'init' section of the parameters file (keyed to 'msprime') which provides parameters for simulating any number of Individuals from any number of msprime populations and placing them at specified coordinates on the Landscape (replacing the gnx-simulated starting population). (Also added a convenience method, Model.burn
, to burn in a Model, because I was getting annoyed having to type something like Model.walk(10000, 'burn')