CitadelClient is a PHP library for interacting with the Citadel API.
You can install this library via Composer:
composer require everlutionsk/citadel-client
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use CitadelClient\HttpClient;
use CitadelClient\SessionResolveRequest;
// Initialize the HTTP client
$client = new HttpClient('', 'your-pre-shared-key');
// Prepare the session resolve request
$request = new SessionResolveRequest('your-cookie-header', 'your-client-id', 'your-client-secret');
try {
// Resolve the session
$response = $client->sessionResolve($request);
// Handle the response
if ($response->session) {
echo "Session resolved successfully:\n";
echo "Session ID: " . $response->session->id . "\n";
// Other session details...
} else {
echo "No session resolved.\n";
echo "Recommended action: " . $response->recommended->action . "\n";
// Other recommendations...
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Handle errors
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
Replace '', 'your-pre-shared-key', 'your-cookie-header', 'your-client-id', and 'your-client-secret' with your actual Citadel API endpoint, pre-shared key, cookie header, client ID, and client secret respectively.