Note: This repo is largely a snapshop record of bring Wikidata information in line with Wikipedia, rather than code specifically deisgned to be reused.
The code and queries etc here are unlikely to be updated as my process evolves. Later repos will likely have progressively different approaches and more elaborate tooling, as my habit is to try to improve at least one part of the process each time around.
There were two different wikidata items for this position, so I had to merge those first, and then manually switched the P39s from the now-redirected item to the primary.
PositionHolderHistory already exists — starting version is with 2 dated memberships, 0 undated; and 2 warnigs.
The first step in the repo is always to edit add_P39.js script to configure the Item ID and source URL.
wd ee --dry add_P39.js | jq -r '.claims.P39.value' |
xargs wd sparql existing-p39s.js | tee wikidata.json
wb ee --dry add_P39.js | jq -r '.claims.P39.references.P4656' |
xargs bundle exec ruby scraper.rb | tee wikipedia.csv
bundle exec ruby new-P39s.rb wikipedia.csv wikidata.json |
wd ee --batch --summary "Add missing P39s, from $(wb ee --dry add_P39.js | jq -r '.claims.P39.references.P4656')"
16 additions made as
bundle exec ruby new-qualifiers.rb wikipedia.csv wikidata.json |
wd aq --batch --summary "Add missing qualifiers, from $(wb ee --dry add_P39.js | jq -r '.claims.P39.references.P4656')"
Nothing to do
New version at