Kharon is a small Greasemonkey/HTML5 script that rewrites some darknet links to a proxified version.
This action is performed to permit access to the darknet also in situations where the direct connection it's not available.
Actually Kharon offers a doorway to the following darknets:
- Tor, throught;
- I2P, throught
Kharon periodically checks the access to the darknets and performs the following actions:
the darknet it's available? => it assures that no proxified link versions are used performing a rewrite to direct links.
the darknet it's not available? => it replaces direct links to the darknet with a proxified version.
Due the the "same origin policy" a real realiable check can't be fulfilled. Actually we are testing the same hack used in javascript portscanning technique (SPI Dynamics / gnucityzen).
$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key D9A950DE
$ gpg --fingerprint --list-keys D9A950DE
pub 1024D/D9A950DE 2009-05-10 [expires: 2014-05-09]
Key fingerprint = C1ED 5C8F DB6A 1C74 A807 5695 91EC 9BB8 D9A9 50DE
uid Giovanni Pellerano <[email protected]>
sub 4096g/50A7F150 2009-05-10 [expires: 2014-05-09]
$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key A22F60B3
$ gpg --fingerprint --list-keys A22F60B3
pub 4096R/A22F60B3 2010-07-14 [expires: 2011-07-14]
Key fingerprint = CA6D 2EDE D7F6 0928 4326 AF8C 3415 CDAE A22F 60B3
uid Arturo <[email protected]>
uid Arturo Filastò Buzzolan <[email protected]>
sub 4096R/D91E70E0 2010-07-14 [expires: 2011-07-14]
$ gpg --keyserver --recv-key C6765430
$ gpg --fingerprint --list-keys C6765430
pub 1024D/C6765430 2009-08-25 [expires: 2011-08-25]
Key fingerprint = 341F 1A8C E2B4 F4F4 174D 7C21 B842 093D C676 5430
uid vecna <[email protected]>
uid vecna <[email protected]>
sub 3072g/E8157737 2009-08-25 [expires: 2011-08-25]