🧑🔬 I'm a chemical engineer-turned-software developer. I used to work on projects ranging from predictive analytics to alternative fuels, then taught myself to code, and now I work for Beyond 12, an ed tech nonprofit whose mission is to increase college graduation rates for underrepresented students.
🏕️ Between those two careers, I attended the Recurse Center, a self-directed educational retreat for programmers; embarked on a year-long backpacking honeymoon around the world (in 2020...you can imagine how that ended); side-hustled as a professional photographer; and watched a LOT of Udemy, Coursera, and YouTube tutorials.
👾 My specialties include expert Googling, problem solving, and learning new skills and languages quickly. So far, I have JavaScript & TypeScript, CSS & Sass, HTML, React, Gatsby, Node.js, Express, Apollo GraphQL, AWS Amplify, and Material UI under my belt. I’m also picking up Python, Django, Google Cloud Platform, Vue & Buefy, and Docker.
🎹 Outside of coding, I'm an obsessive reader, a keyboardist in funk & jazz bands, a photographer, and an avid nature lover currently into sea foraging and backpacking.
- Treeify DOM - This React + Express web app takes any URL, fetches & parses that site's DOM, and displays it in visual form - as a tree! Built with an Express backend which communicates with the React frontend by means of HTTP POST requests. (link to functioning app)
- Rabbit Hole Sealant - A Chrome extension (compliant to Chrome's latest Manifest v3 spec!) that hides addicting elements on YouTube videos
- React + Linting & Formatting Tools - This project practices integrating ESLint, Prettier, lint-staged and husky to automatically review and format code before or after git actions
- Search Engine Aggregator - A React web app that uses functional components to return search results from a list of search engines (link to functioning app)
- Kitchen Calc - An Express-based web app to multiply recipe ingredients for your desired servings (link to functioning app)
- Lorem Pigsum - An Express-based web app that generates Lorem Ipsum placeholder text...but in Pig Latin. Arpecay iemday! (link to functioning app)
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- Pronouns: he/him