A python scrip to get metadata infomation from NCBI by refseq ID.
This scrip will help your download the "all information(it shuld?)" from NCBI Refesq database.
Build date: 10-1-2015
mamba create -n refseq_metadata
source activate refseq_metadata
mamba install biopython=1.84
Your Refseq ID information should be one by one in you files, such as:
python refseq.py -i YOU_LIST_FILES_NAME -o YOU_OTUPUTFILES_NAME.csv -e YOU E-MAIL ADDRESS (such as:*******@*****.com)
#The E-mail address was requested by NCBI datbase, not me
RsUid | GbUid | AssemblyAccession | LastMajorReleaseAccession | LatestAccession | ..... |
15833318 | 15786928 | GCF_009866865.1 | GCF_009866865.1 | ..... | |
23960828 | 23909188 | GCF_016065415.1 | GCF_016065415.1 | ..... | |
6302018 | 6251988 | GCF_003008635.1 | GCF_003008635.1 | ..... |
In case of banning IP, the requesting time was set by 0.5s after each query.
Argument | Useage |
-i | your input files, you need to number them one by one |
-o | your out put files, shuld name as ".csv" |
-e | your E-mail address |
Cecli Fang @IUE.CAS