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CSS Structure

Martino Ferrari edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 5 revisions

The styling of the HTML generated by scidown is applied by Marker using the user selected CSS style and a common base CSS with basic settings.

The common style is data/common/scidown.css. While the available custom styles are in the folder data/styles/.

If you wish to customize the available CSS or create new ones, this is the basic structure of a page generated by scidown:


Note that all the basic tag are, clearly, valid, such as <h2>-<h6> or <table> etc etc. While <h1> is only used by the title.

Beamer Class

The page structure when using the beamer class change as shown in the following figure

beamer structure

The class slide_169 is added in addition of the class slide when the 16:9 ratio is chosen.

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