Materials (datasets & R code) for reproduction of published results in the paper
|____Rfunction R functions for the existing algorithms
|____Rproj R projects including the datasets and results for reproduction of the results in the paper
|____Rscript R codes to reproduce the results in the paper
|____10X_subsample Simulation experiments including 99 datasets, each of which comprises 500 CD56+ NK cells,
| 500 CD19+ B cells and various number of CD14 + monocyte ranging from 2 to 100
|____jurkat_two_species Simulation experiments including 10 datasets, each of which comprises 1540 293T cells
| and various number of Jurkat cells ranging from 8 to 82
|____Doublet Simulation experiments including 140 datasets, each of which comprises CD56+ NK cells,
| CD19+ B cells and 2 CD14 + monocyte to evaluate doublet detection of five algorithms
|____10X_DE_sensitivity Simulation experiments to evaluate sensitivity of algorithms to different number of
| differentail expressed (DE) genes.
|____Runtime Simulation experiments including 16 datasets subsampled from 68 k PBMC dataset with
| 1000 - ~68000 cells to track the computation time and memory usage
|____Intestine GapClust applied to the intestine dataset to identify rare cells
|____10X_full GapClust applied to the 68 k PBMC dataset to identify rare cells
- Make sure the folder structure of the whole project is not changed.
- Modify the homedir variable to change the working directory, aiming to make sure the code can run properly on your machine.