This is Fabric Credential Manager API
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.1
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.python.PythonClientCodegen
Python 3.9+
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install git+
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+
Then import the package:
import fabric_cm.credmgr.credmgr_proxy
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
from fabric_cm.credmgr.credmgr_proxy import CredmgrProxy
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from fabric_cm.credmgr.credmgr_proxy import CredmgrProxy
from import ApiException
credmgr_proxy = CredmgrProxy(credmgr_host="")
version = credmgr_proxy.version_get()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CredmgrProxy->version_get: %s\n" % e)
version = credmgr_proxy.certs_get()
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CredmgrProxy->certs_get: %s\n" % e)
version = credmgr_proxy.refresh(project_id='12345', scope='all', refresh_token='TOKEN')
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CredmgrProxy->refresh: %s\n" % e)
version = credmgr_proxy.revoke(refresh_token='TOKEN')
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CredmgrProxy->revoke: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
DefaultApi | certs_get | GET /certs | Return Public Keys to verify signature of the tokens |
TokensApi | tokens_create_post | POST /tokens/create | Generate tokens for an user |
TokensApi | tokens_get | GET /tokens | Get tokens |
TokensApi | tokens_refresh_post | POST /tokens/refresh | Refresh tokens for an user |
TokensApi | tokens_revoke_list_get | GET /tokens/revoke_list | Get token revoke list i.e. list of revoked identity token hashes |
TokensApi | tokens_revoke_post | POST /tokens/revoke | Revoke a token for an user |
TokensApi | tokens_revokes_post | POST /tokens/revokes | Revoke a token |
TokensApi | tokens_validate_post | POST /tokens/validate | Validate an identity token issued by Credential Manager |
VersionApi | version_get | GET /version | Version |
- DecodedToken
- Jwks
- JwksKeys
- Request
- RevokeList
- Status200OkNoContent
- Status200OkNoContentData
- Status200OkPaginated
- Status200OkSingle
- Status400BadRequest
- Status400BadRequestErrors
- Status401Unauthorized
- Status401UnauthorizedErrors
- Status403Forbidden
- Status403ForbiddenErrors
- Status404NotFound
- Status404NotFoundErrors
- Status500InternalServerError
- Status500InternalServerErrorErrors
- Token
- TokenPost
- Tokens
- Version
- VersionData
All endpoints do not require authorization.