It's a sample app about how to use the Flickr api. Using MVVM, RX and Retrofit downloads the last 100 public images from Flick.
Uses MVVM as base of architecture. Repository to access remote data and Mappers to split network objects from domain objects.
Dagger is the glue that joins all layers of architecture. It's helping to reduce coupling
and split responsibilities between classes.
RX is providing an easy way to make network calls into an worker thread.
They are used used to make easy write unit test and assertion
It provides a good coverage test report
- Add UI Testing ( Using Espresso ou Robolectric )
- Avoid fetch data when rotate device
- Store locally Flickr api response then we'll be able to implement some cache for images ( Using OkHttp ou something else )
- Improve network error redirection using RX
- Improve layout