A distributed Google File System (GFS), implemented in C++
In this project, we plan to use Bazel as our main build tool. You can install Bazel by following their website instructions.
For MacOS, you can use Homebrew:
brew tap bazelbuild/tap
brew install bazelbuild/tap/bazel
For Linux, you can run the scripts/install_bazel.sh
with desired Bazel version:
export BAZEL_VERSION=3.1.0
chmod +x scripts/install_bazel.sh
Then, from the root directory, you can run Bazel commands as normal. For example:
bazel build --features=-supports_dynamic_linker ...
bazel test --features=-supports_dynamic_linker --test_output=errors ...
To learn more about how to use Bazel, or how to write Bazel build rule for C++, see the official documentation.
Note: If you get an error in the form of illegal thread local variable reference to regular symbol
, try adding --features=-supports_dynamic_linker
to your Bazel build flags. For example, bazel build --features=-supports_dynamic_linker ...
Make sure you have the GFS server clusters are up and running.
You can either write a binary by importing the GFS client at src/client/gfs_client.h
, or using the GFS command line binary.
To build the command line binary, run
bazel build --features=-supports_dynamic_linker :gfs_client_main
Then, you can run any of these modes:
# To create a file
bazel-bin/gfs_client_main --mode=create --filename=/test
# To read a file
bazel-bin/gfs_client_main --mode=read --filename=/test --offset=0 --nbytes=100
# To write a file
# This will create the file if it doesn't exist; if you don't want this behavior,
# use the 'mode_no_create' mode instead
bazel-bin/gfs_client_main --mode=write --filename=/test --offset=0 --data='Hello World!'
Make sure you have Docker and Docker compose installed
To start all servers and expose respective server ports outside of Docker for connection, run:
docker-compose up --build
Then, you can use GFS client to interact with the cluster.
After you are done with it, turn everything off by typing Ctrl + C, and then
docker-compose down
We use Google Benchmarks open source library to test our performance.
To run them, simply start the GFS cluster in the background, and run the benchmark binaries in src/benchmarks
- If the initialization of the first file chunk fails at any of the chunk server during file creation, the metadata will be created but chunks won't be initialized, so future file creation on the same filename fails, and file read/write will use inconsistent chunk server locations
- We do not bring stale replica up to date, at the moment
Please, if possible, follow Google C++ style guide. If you use an IDE or any common text editors, they have extensions that help you auto format and lint your code for style errors.