New per-week API routes for routes for substitutions, menus and lunch schedules:
They accept a date and return the data for all weekdays in the week containing the given date.
If the given date is a weekend, the data for the next week are returned,
The data are returned in a list, with one entry per day (Monday-Friday).
New until
field in lunch menus routes:
It is currently unused and will return null
It will be used in the future to provide the lunch until value.
Date indicator for menus on mobile.
Solsis updater has been improved with better handling.
Non-parsable documents can now have effective dates.
Current time overlay has been improved in dark theme.
Unnecessary data have been removed from Sentry events.
Feedback link now links to the repository wiki.
Unproblematic service worker errors are now ignored.
Navigation in entity selection dialog should now work.
Backward Incompatible Changes
A new nullable time until
field has been added to the lunch_menu
table. You need to manually add it or recreate the database.
You can’t perform that action at this time.