is an OCaml library for reading data files from the 2D game map editor
The library aims for broad coverage of Tiled's TMX file formats. It provides an imperative context for loading TMX data files and a collection of immutable types corresponding to TMX data structures.
emulates the semantics of TMX data structures as they exist in the Tiled
desktop application, including proper application of custom
property inheritance and object templates. This allows
the attributes of game resources in OCaml to match exactly what is observed in
the editor.
The XML-based map (.tmx), tileset (.tsx), and template (.tx) formats are currently supported along with the undocumented Custom Types JSON format.
will hopefully be published to the main opam
repository in the future.
Till then, pin to the current version with:
opam pin tmx
A convenient reference is available by running dune build @doc
. The generated
HTML landing page is _build/default/_doc/_html/index.html
The most important documentation is for the Loader
module. For the TMX core
types, one can generally consult the official TMX format documentation;
the library API corresponds closely with it, and most differences are
Currently supported:
- Read XML maps, tilesets, templates
- Read custom property definitions from JSON Custom Types files
- Automatically load dependencies
- Read custom class and enum properties
- Apply Tiled domain logic for property inheritance
- Read both fixed-size and infinite maps
- Apply object templates
- Check for missing image files
- Compute the position and dimensions of tile subimages
- Access embedded image data
- See nice parse errors (in case you hand-write your XML)
Possibly supported in the future:
- Better accessors and iteration functions
- Read tilemap data compressed with Zstd
- Load JSON maps (.tmj), tilesets (.tsj), and templates (.tj)
- Modify and write TMX data
Neither supported nor planned:
- Embedded tilesets
- Tiled versions before 1.10
- Deprecated parts of the TMX format
- Wang tiles, transformations, etc.
- Object Types files (use newer Custom Types JSON format instead)
Check out the source and run utop
from the top-level directory. Then you can
paste in this example and run it.
#require "tmx";;
open Tmx ;;
module L = (val Loader.make ~root:"test/data" ()) ;;
open L.Core ;;
(* Load a map and its dependencies *)
let m = L.load_map_xml_exn "fixed1.tmx" ;;
(* Inspect the autoloaded tilesets *)
let () =
List.iter (fun (name, ts) ->
Printf.printf "Tileset from %s has %d tiles\n"
name (Tileset.tilecount ts))
(L.tilesets ())
(* Get tile subimage information *)
let () =
let ts_name = "single1.tsx" in
let tile_id = 5 in
let ts = L.get_tileset_exn ts_name in
let tile = Tileset.get_tile_exn ts tile_id in
let png =
Tile.image tile |> Option.get |> Image.source
|> function `File x -> x | _ -> assert false in
let x, y = Tile.(x tile, y tile) in
let w = Option.get (Tile.width tile) in
let h = Option.get (Tile.height tile) in
Printf.printf "Example tile subimage info: ";
Printf.printf "tileset=%s tile=%d file=%s pos=(%d,%d) dims=%dx%d\n"
ts_name tile_id png x y w h
(* Inspect a tile layer *)
let tl =
let l = Map.get_layer_exn m 1 in
match Layer.variant l with `Tilelayer tl -> tl | _ -> assert false
let () =
for col = 0 to Tilelayer.width tl - 1 do
for row = 0 to Tilelayer.height tl - 1 do
match Tilelayer.tile_at tl ~col ~row with
| Some (tile, _flags) when Tile.get_property "baz" tile <> None ->
Printf.printf "baz found at col %d, row %d\n" col row
| _ -> ()
(* Get autoloaded file contents *)
let () =
let col, row = 12, 15 in
let tile, _flags = Option.get (Tilelayer.tile_at tl ~col ~row) in
match Property.value (Tile.get_property_exn "baz" tile) with
| `File fname ->
let msg = String.trim (L.get_file_exn fname) in
Printf.printf "Tile at col %d row %d file contents: %s\n" col row msg
| _ -> assert false
(* Read custom class values *)
let () =
let o_id = 31 in
let o = Map.get_object_exn m o_id in
assert (Object.class_ o = Some "myclass");
assert (Object.get_property "favcol" o = None);
(* Oops, forgot to load the custom types *)
let _ = L.import_customtypes_json_exn "propertytypes1.json" in
(* Now the object inherits properties from the class we just loaded *)
let favcol =
match Object.get_property_exn "favcol" o |> Property.value with
| `Color c -> Color.to_string_rgb c
| _ -> assert false in
Printf.printf "Object %d's favorite color is %s\n" o_id favcol
(* Read custom enum values *)
let () =
let o = Map.get_object_exn m 22 in
let p = Object.get_property_exn "baz" o in
assert (Property.propertytype p = Some "myenum");
let e = L.get_enum_exn "myenum" in
let v = Property.value p in
List.iter (fun (label, status) ->
Printf.printf "flag %s -> %s\n" label (if status then "yes" else "no"))
(Enum.read_as_alist_exn e v)
Copyright 2023 Jacob First.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3. See LICENSE
file for
tmx is not part of Tiled.