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Google Books templating with EJS

Project Name

Author: Your Name Goes Here Version: 1.0.0 (increment the patch/fix version number if you make more commits past your first submission)


Problem domain: user is presented with a search input form. An input field to fill in for a book search by title or author (2 radio buttons - click one) and a submit button. Upon submitting the query gets captured and sent in the correct format to google books api. The return is again formatted correctly and then displayed in the browser on a new page using tamplating with ejs.

Getting Started

Setup filestructure. Install libraries. Code out server.js by calling the libraries, defining the variables and creating the app, setting up the app to listen (on PORT 3000), setting up correct (RESTful) .get and .post routes. Setting up superagent request to correctly formatted google. formatting received data to send to frontend. Code out template to loop over dada Array. Style the input and the results page.


Using EJS templating engine and Express as a server framework plus dotenv to create a Javascript server application. Using superagent framework to make outbound server requests to google books api and handle feedback.

Change Log

03-01-2021 9:00pm Application now has a fully-functional express server, with GET and POST routes for the book resource.

03-02-2021 6:00am - finish styling - the radio button, the results page, negative margins to handle quicky behavior of ul and li p tags. Fully styled and looking beautiful. I love my product !!!!

Credits and Collaborations

Credit (and a link) to TA Skyler, Zach, James M and Lydia for help with this. Credit to for teaching me how to style a radio button.

time sheet

Date 03-01-2021

Number and name of feature: file tree setup Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 HOUR Start time: 2:00PM Finish time: 3:00PM Actual time needed to complete: 1 HOUR

Date 03-01-2021

Number and name of feature: setup experimental GET route Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 HOUR Start time: 3:00PM Finish time: 4:00PM Actual time needed to complete: 1 HOUR

Date 03-01-2021

Number and name of feature: setup real GET route to handle request - change it to POST Estimate of time needed to complete: 2 HOUR Start time: 4:00PM Finish time: 6:00PM Actual time needed to complete: 2 HOUR

Date 03-01-2021

Number and name of feature: make API call and handle feedback data Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 HOUR Start time: 6:00PM Finish time: 9:00PM Actual time needed to complete: 3 HOUR

Date 03-01-2021

Number and name of feature: finish templating display results, start styling Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 HOUR Start time: 9:00PM Finish time: 12:00PM Actual time needed to complete: 3 HOUR

Date 03-02-2021

Number and name of feature: finish styling - including the stubborn radio button, and the stubborn UL LIs Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 HOUR Start time: 6:30AM Finish time: 8:00AM Actual time needed to complete: 1.5 HOUR

Date 03-02-2021

Number and name of feature: implementing new file tree Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 HOUR Start time: 3:00PM Finish time: 4:00PM Actual time needed to complete: 1 HOUR

Date 03-02-2021

Number and name of feature: implement GET and POST and SQL Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 HOUR Start time: 4:30AM Finish time: 11:00AM Actual time needed to complete: 7 HOUR

Date 03-03-2021

Number and name of feature: make app work again Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 HOUR Start time: 3:00AM Finish time: 4:00AM Actual time needed to complete: 1 HOUR

Date 03-03-2021

Number and name of feature: add books button - delete route update route Estimate of time needed to complete: 2 HOUR Start time: 4:30PM Finish time: 10:30PM Actual time needed to complete: 6 HOUR

Date 03-06-2021

Number and name of feature: add route to update books - finish styling every single page - test run Estimate of time needed to complete: 4+ HOUR Start time: 9:00AM Finish time: 4:30PM - Lunch BREAK Actual time needed to complete: 6 HOUR

heroku pg:push local-db DATABASE_URL --app app-name

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Google Books templating with EJS







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