This repository harbours scripts that were used for the study described in the Coling 2018 paper 'Aspect-based summarization of pros and cons in unstructured product reviews'.
The scripts '' and '' are implementations of two of the systems that are evaluated in the paper. The script '' is the implementation of the first evaluation, that matches system output to the pros and cons that are put forward by the authors of the reviews. All scripts can be applied with python 3.x, and take json-formatted review text as basic input. These files can not be shared publicly. Please contact Florian Kunneman ([email protected]) if you are interested in the data or have questions about the code.
python train.json dev.json test.json baseline_predictions.json
python test.json duoman.txt synpat_predictions.txt synpat_predictions.json
python synpat_predictions.json human_gold_standard.json 70 pattern_pros pattern_cons pattern_results.json pattern_results_summary.csv