Render a git-like tree as SVG from a text file
./ --input <.tree file> --output <.svg file>
Parameters -i|--input
and -o|--output
are mandatory. All others are optionals. None are excluding. Please refer to the following table for supported paramters:
short | long | description |
d | debug | show debug messages |
h | hspace | horizontal spacing between steps |
i | input | input file with full path |
l | labels | add labels for steps references |
o | output | output file with full path (will be overwritted) |
r | radius | bubble radius |
s | stroke | line width |
v | vspace | vertical spacing between branches |
# comment
> STDOUT printable comment Name of branch
branch.x.color HTML color code of branch x
<space> this brach does not exists
. node (commit)
- line (nothing)
x checkout/merge branch x
# this is a sample `fix` tree master
branch.0.color 000000 fix
branch.1.color dd0000