Silam_v5_9 used for CAMS-regional production in May-November 2024
Updated to silam_v5_9@605474
Some changelog:
- ascii2nc: Converter from ascii/grads fields to netcdf
- Correcting the fractionation of smoke to size modes (AU)
- Got rid of set-unset error in reading observations
- Disabled few more unset-error in MPI runs to prevent deadlocks
- More rigorous parsing of HYBRID_LAYER and HYBRID_LEVEL attribures from WRF
- Meteo stored as layers
- few outdated quantities removed
- Enable multiple netcdf fire-lists
- Enabled full meteo vertical (almost up to 0 Pa)
- Hardtop wind diagnostics can be now enabled at any domain top pressure
to allow for WRF which can have a hard top at 100 hPa.
- Better mapping of CAMS VOCs
- Change meteo2disp interpolation to nearest-point (more consistent rains)
- Fix for race conditions in grib-grid cache
- Compiled by Intel and Visual Studio project (MAS)
- Self-degrading passive tracer with definable decay rate (MAS, RK)
- Fixes in settling for dd (99% rh over water)
- Fraction of ice introduced to dd (neutral change). If missing, ine can
dynamic_meteo_file = TEST_FIELD ice_fract SURFACE_LEVEL 0
- Bugfix pole mass outflow for backward-time simulation
- Weakened the check for hybrid layers overlap (enables some WRF setups)
- Graceful crash on failure to read boundares
- Re-enabled test fields for multitime stack
git-svn-id: 250f1e8d-2010-0410-9efa-e22dadc992bd