Example on how to run a simulation with your own particle card
Create a CMSSW environment
cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_32
cd CMSSW_5_3_32/src/
Copy repository
git clone [email protected]:fnavarro94/Open_Data_Simulation.git
To perform a generation level simulation:
cmsRun hlt_cfg.py
To perform a reco level simulation (this uses the output of the gen level simulation as input):
cmsRun reco_cfg.py
You can change the number of events to be simulated by editing the cfg.py files at:
the gen and reco configuration files where created with the folowing commands respectively:
cmsDriver.py Pythia_H0_pyupda_7TeV_cfi.py --step=GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW,HLT:2011 --datatier GEN-SIM --conditions=START53_LV6A1::All --fileout=simu_test.root --eventcontent RAWSIM --python_filename hlt_cfg.py --number=10 --mc --no_exec
cmsDriver.py --filein file:simu_test.root --fileout file:reco_test.root --mc --eventcontent AODSIM --conditions START53_LV6::All --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --python_filename reco_cfg.py --no_exec -n 10 --datatier AODSIM
this needs to be run inside a CMSSW environment.
In order to use your own particle card replace the particle card file name on line 113 of hlt_cfg.py with your own. E.g:
PYUPDAParameters = cms.vstring("PYUPDAFILE = \'Configuration/Generator/data/Pythia_H0_pyupda.in'\")
PYUPDAParameters = cms.vstring("PYUPDAFILE = \'my_pyupda.in\'")