Note: This extension is abandoned and no longer maintained. It only supports Magento 1 and we have no plans to undertake development of a Magento 2 version.
This extension provides a native blog for Magento. It has full multi-store support, and integrates seamlessly with the Fontis Algolia and reCAPTCHA extensions.
Further documentation is available from the Fontis Blog Extension page on our website.
- Multiple blogs per store
- Post creation
- WYSIWYG editor support
- Summary content on the website and RSS feed
- Main and thumbnail image support
- Configurable page title format
- User comments
- Moderation
- Notification of new comments by email
- Gravatar support
- reCAPTCHA support through Fontis reCAPTCHA extension
- Tags
- Authors
- Archives (daily, monthly or yearly)
- Header images for blogs and categories
- Configurable routes for categories, tags and authors
- Improved canonical URL support
- RSS feeds (global and per-category)
- Search support through Fontis Algolia
- AddThis integration
- Built-in microdata support for posts
- Full multi-store support
- Full admin panel ACL support
- Adds blog posts, categories and tags to the Magento sitemap.xml generator
- Support for Magento CE 1.9+/EE 1.14+ Topmenu block (adding blog links to primary navigation)
- Integration with the Magento EE Full Page Cache (or other caches that implement a similar interface)
- Integration with the Enhanced Admin Grids extension
- Basic support for the Magento EE Admin Actions Log (blogs and posts only)
The extension is available from the Fontis Composer Repository. Once you're set up to use it, installing with composer is simple:
composer require fontis/blog 2.0.*
Or edit your composer.json file directly and add this line to the "require" section:
"fontis/blog": "2.0.*"
This project is open source. You are encouraged to fork and submit pull requests.
The Fontis Blog extension is a fork of the Lazzymonk Blog extension (v0.5.8) developed by Robert Chambers and released in March 2009.