The purpose of this was, instead of learning pinescript & wrtiting my own script, scraping & recording the performance of some of the many public scripts listed on tradingview. The goal is to find a script that can provide relatively accurate & profitable stock alerts based on its past performance. I ended up with some decent candidates but the ability for scripts to repaint made things more difficult in finding whether or not a particular script should work or not. I stopped near the end where I was going to manually track some scripts and measure them up against the backtests.
about Tradingview has a feature where people can upload their own buy / sell strategies written in pinescript. This code can scrape the individual performance metrics (see the sequential up/down report section) for the scripts listed on a search page with only a part of the URL path provided in a list in
about Once you find a few good candidates in the results from (filter out the fake ones, read the comments), the next step is to get a list of stocks that you want to test this against. A good script should perform well regardless of the ticker / time or well in some & decent in others. The list I used is in zacks_custom_screen.csv. This is what it's getting the performance data from.
download python
once downloaded, place it in the parent directory
export PYTHONPATH="../"
pip3 install -r requirements.txt