Keinen Bock mehr Tops aus dem Discord zu copy pasten? Du verlierst immer den Link zur Vorlage?
kommt dir zur Rettung!
nix run github:fscs/prototool
Es gibt auch einen Binary-Cache:
substituters = ""
trusted-public-keys = "fscs-public:MuWSWnGgABFBwdeum/8n4rJxDpzYqhgd/Vm7u3fGMig="
Statische Binaries für Linux, MacOS und Windows gibts in den Releases.
Oder auch einfach mit cargo:
cargo install --git
# prototool new
Create a new post
Usage: prototool new [OPTIONS] <PATH>
<PATH> Path of the new post. e.g. posts/
-l, --lang <LANG> Under which language the post should be created [default: de]
-e, --edit Open the post for editing
-f, --force Force creation, even if a file already exist
-h, --help Print help
# prototool gen
Generate a new Protokoll
Usage: prototool gen [OPTIONS]
-U, --endpoint-url <ENDPOINT_URL> Endpoint to fetch Tops from [default:]
-l, --lang <LANG> Under which language the protokoll should be created [default: de]
-e, --edit Open the protokoll for editing
-f, --force Force creation, even if a file already exist
--to-clipboard Generate the protokoll into the system clipboard
--from-clipboard Load the protokoll content from the system clipboard
--to-pad Copies the protokolls content into the system clipboard and opens an appropriate pad url in the webbrowser
--from-pad <PAD_URL> Load the protokoll content from a hedgedoc note
--no-ask-presence Dont Ask for Presence
-h, --help Print help
Man könnte es auch protocool nennen 😎