This project is the library of the NGSI v1 API
This library was originally created for the Fiware-Cepheus project and the original version is still available here under the GPLv2 Licence.
A library implementing NGSI v2 API can be found at Orange-OpenSource/fiware-ngsi2-api
For java 7, you must add the classifier:
where X.Y.Z
is the version of the library to use (check git tags).
Download the jar from Sonatype Central repository using wget
If you don't have maven
installed on your machine, you can still download the standalone JAR using wget
or any browser:
wget -O ngsi-client.jar ""
wget -O ngsi-server.jar ""
The implementation provides the NgsiClient class for the standard operations and the
NgsiRestClient` class for the convenient REST operations.
The client uses ListenableFuture
to handle requests synchronously or asynchronously.
Example: to send a synchronous updateContext
NgsiClient ngsiClient;
/* [...] */
UpdateContext update = new UpdateContext();
// [...] add context information
ngsiClient.updateContext(providerUrl, httpHeaders, update).get();
Example: to send an asynchronous updateContext
ngsiClient.updateContext(brokerUrl, httpHeaders, update)
.addCallback(updateContextResponse -> logUpdateContextResponse(updateContextResponse, brokerUrl),
throwable -> logger.warn("UpdateContext failed for {}: {}", brokerUrl, throwable.toString()));
The implementation provides the NgsiBaseController class that is a controller class for the standard operations and the NgsiRestBaseController class used for the convenient REST operations. The two classes validate the specification rules and return errors if an exception is thrown.
Your controller class must override the methods you want to implement. By default the methods return an error "not implemented operation".
public class MyNgsiController extends NgsiBaseController {
public UpdateContextResponse updateContext(final UpdateContext update) throws Exception {
// implement updateContext
public class NgsiRestController extends NgsiRestBaseController {
protected AppendContextElementResponse appendContextElement(String entityID, AppendContextElement appendContextElement) throws Exception {
// implement appendContextElement
This project is under the Apache License version 2.0