bug.n v8.4.0 (Tiling Window Manager)
v8.3.1 to v8.4.0
Session auto-save and restore. Layout and Window information is stored
periodically so that it may be recovered after a restart.+
Toggling the overflow window of the 'notify icons' by hotkey.+
Manual tiling.+
Increasing MFactor Resizing Over Time+
Bar transparency+
Reading in the sound volume and mute status and displaying it in the status bar.
# | Configuration variables | Hotkeys |
2. | #+y::Monitor_toggleNotifyIconOverflowWindow() |
3. | Config_largeFontSize=24 |
!Down::View_moveWindow(0, +1) |
Config_areaTraceTimeout=1000 |
!Up::View_moveWindow(0, -1) |
Config_continuouslyTraceAreas=0 |
!+Enter::Manager_maximizeWindow() |
Config_dynamicTiling=1 |
!<n>::View_moveWindow(<n>) |
!0::View_moveWindow(10) |
!BackSpace::View_toggleStackArea() |
!+y::View_traceAreas() |
4. | Config_mFactCallInterval=700 |
View_setMFactor(d, dFact=1) |
5. | Config_barTransparency=off |
6. | Config_readinVolume |
Please be aware that, at the time of this release, one submitted bug, issue #5 ([ Bug #19006 ] bug.n window list leak), has not been resolved: bug.n may get slow after it is continuously running for a long time. To work around this issue, simply restart bug.n, e. g. by using the hotkey #^+r
(Win+Ctrl+Shift+R in the default configuration).