A simplistic music player app which allows you to play songs or audio of any video from youtube in general.
- Background Play
- Play Any Song from youtube
- Create playlists to your liking
- Download Songs in Library
- Like/Heart a song to save it in Library
- Playlist customization
- Proper Sequence of Songs in Playlist
- Offline Only Mode
- GetX - For State Management and Dependency Injection
- Youtube Explode Dart - For getting videos and their streams from youtube
- Hive - as a Database for storing playlists and songs data
- just_audio - For playing audio streams and files
- just_audio_background - For background audio playing
- Lottie - For like animation
- music_visualizer - For animated visualizer widget
- card_swiper - For song cards on player screen
- cached_network_image - For video thumbnails