Software will trigger windows defender if not compiled yourself, this is due to it scanning through your files, especially at the speeds its supposed too
- Folder (First prompt): Folder to scan (scans subfolders)
- Text (Second prompt): Text to find in folder
- Yes/No (Third prompt): Enables case-sensitivity for searches
- Yes/No (Fourth prompt): Counts amount of files (Disable when searching massive quantities of files)
- Yes/No (Fifth prompt): Shows file in explorer when found (Disable when expecting a large amount of found items)
- Folder (First prompt): Executable directory
- Text (Second prompt): Hello World
- Yes/No (Third prompt): No
- Yes/No (Fourth prompt): Yes
- Yes/No (Fifth prompt): No
Program.old is the unmaintained non-threaded version, I am keeping it incase if ever needed (Im a horder)
The threaded version, while yes is much faster, makes Antimalware Service Executable go crazy due to how fast its scanning through files. Also prob will take a ton of your CPU up