Movie Review Sentiment Classification with Naive Bayes Classifiers
This is a mini project implemented in April 2020 for Introduction to Information Retrieval course in Bogazici University.
3 types of Naive Bayes classifiers (Multinomial, Bernoulli, and Binary) were implemented to carry out sentiment classification (positive/negative) on Cornell Movie Review Dataset (polarity v2.0).
To run the code, please put the file in a directory which contains the data folder. Dataset must be unzipped. Here is an example directory:
Working dir
|------ data
|------ train
| |
| |------ pos
| |
| |------ neg
|------ test
|------ pos
|------ neg
I've also attached auxilary .npy and .txt files to reduce run time. They should be put in the same directory as Code works without those auxilary files but takes considerably longer time. Code doesn't take any command line arguments.