DEVELOPEMENT ENVIRONMENT: This game was developed on the UW student Linux environment, as well as the Ubuntu 16.04LTS OS. The game was compiled using g++ 4.9.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.1. The game was tested over ssh as well as locally on UBuntu 16.04LTS.
GAME OVERALL DESIGN: The game board/canvas is considered to be main.cpp. Where the main event loop as well as event handling are implemented. The snake is implemented in snake.cpp with a list of snake blocks as its body to mimick turning as best as possible. Fruits are generated at 250, 250 when the game starts as a freebie for the player, and will be generated in the game with a 200 pixel margin. Every fruit eaten is 15 points. The game texts and scores are implemented as a special type of displayable, and score is a derived class of SplashText.
GAME DESCRIPTION: The objective of this game is to control your snake into eating the randomly generated fruits , which are white blocks that randomly generate throughout the map, while avoiding obstacles like the edges of the screen, and avoiding colliding into your body.
GAME CONTROLS: LEFT: Turn the snake left with respect to the direction that the snake is going. RIGHT: Turn the snake right with respect to the direction that the snake is going. q: Quit the game at any time. ENTER: Start/restart the game. n: Return to main menu/splash screen.