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Introduction to Management Strategy Evaluation to support strategic decision-making for fisheries management: Hello! This is a course taught by Dr. Gavin Fay for CINAR: January 10-14, 2022.

Description: This training workshop provides fisheries scientists with instruction and hands-on practical modeling experience in an introduction to Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE), for applications to Northeast and Mid-Atlantic managed stocks and key concerns, and participation in MSE working groups and technical committees. MSE is a well-recognized approach for strategic decision-making in fisheries management, providing methods to compare among policy options and assess their robustness in meeting a range of management objectives.

The objectives of the workshop are to: 1) Provide an overview of the MSE process and components of an MSE, and 2) demonstrate through applied examples and modeling exercises on the components of closed loop simulation analyses that form the basis of the analytical aspects of an MSE.

Modeling exercises and case studies will emphasize different aspects and features of MSEs, and a range of examples will emulate features of the stock dynamics and fisheries managed by the NEFMC, MAFMC, and ASMFC. A key part of the workshop will be small group projects applying a simple desktop MSE to example case studies for a small problem scope. These will be developed through the workshop, with presentations to other groups on the last day of the workshop. See questions on suggested examples below.

The workshop will consist of synchronous webinar sessions, with active learning opportunities through discussions and in-class modeling exercises, a set of short evening readings, and additional optional homework to further develop the case studies explored.

The primary focus of the workshop will be on the technical analysis components of MSEs and the interpretation and visualization of results, but the role of stakeholder engagement in MSE processes for co-developing objectives, policy alternatives, and performance metrics will also be overviewed.


(subject to change)

Day Time Topic
M 10-10:30 Intro, Workshop overview
M 10:30-12 What is MSE? (lecture and MSE game)
M 1-3 My first MSE (breakout R intro exercise)
M 3:30-4:30 code-through of first mse (R: intro exercise)
M 4:30 - 5 Case studies discussion
T 9-9:30 Reading discussion
T 9:30-10:30 Objectives & Performance metrics (lecture)
T 11-12 Case studies: developing objectives & candidate strategies for examples (breakout exercise)
T 1-2 Including the ecosystem in MSEs (discussion)
T 2-3 designing operating models (lecture)
T 3:30-5 coding & implementing OMs (R lab breakouts)
W 9-9:30 Reading discussion
W 9:30 -10:30 Code-through of day 2 exercise
W 11-12 Case study review. Relevant OM & HCR needs.
W 1-2:30 selecting management strategies (lecture, R: comparing HCRs)
W 3-4 breakout group coding on case study projects
W 4-5 Presenting results to managers (lecture)
Th 9-10 OM and EMs revisited (lecture, live code)
Th 10:15-12 Case study project work time
Th 1-2 Implementation error (lecture)
Th 2-3 Case study project work time
Th 3-5 multispecies MSEs (lecture, R exercise)
F 9-10 Additional MSE topics (lecture)
F 10:30-12 Case study project summaries, Workshop review


Gavin Fay (he/him) is an Associate Professor of Fisheries Oceanography at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth's School for Marine Science and Technology, based in New Bedford, MA. He is a 2020-2022 CINAR Fellow in Quantitative Fisheries & Ecosystem Science, funded through the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center and NOAA Fisheries' Quantitative Ecology & Socioeconomics Training program (QUEST). This workshop is part of Dr. Fay's CINAR Fellowship activities. Email Twitter

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


Materials for the CINAR Introduction to MSE Workshop







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