coming soon
When working with Jamstack or static html websites, additional functionality like sending off emails require a server or at least, SaaS.
If all you want is an endpoint that takes a few fields and sends off an email, it's a nice alternative that doesn't require the maintenance of a server.
TLDR, I wish, but no.
You can take it and build on it if you like though.
What still needs doing? Read here
Clone this repository and follow the "Get set up" guide.
Serverless (version ^1.27.3)
Node (version 8)
AWS Account (with IAM access)
You will need IAM credentials configured with AWS. You can use serverless to set these up:
serverless config credentials --provider aws --key XXXXXXX --secret XXXXXXX
If you have more than 1 set of credentials, you can create a new custom profile the Serverless way.
serverless config credentials --provider aws --key XXXXXXX --secret XXXXXXX --profile XXXXXXX
SMTP Email (Using a fake SMTP email for testing)
- In the serverless.yml
- Set the service name
- Change the function name to be more relevant
- Set your profile name or remove if irrelevant
If you want to get testing with SMTP fast and don't yet have your own credentials, get a fake test email using the Ethereal Email service:
SMTP_USER=someusername \
SMTP_PASS=somepassword \ \
[email protected] \
node -e 'require("./handler").email({body: "{\"email\": \"[email protected]\", \"subject\":\"What a wonderful world\", \"content\": \"Two little birds\\r\\nCame to my doorstep\"}"}, {}, () => {})'
serverless deploy
Log into AWS
Go into the AWS Lambda panel
Go the deployed function
Add the environment variables
"email": "[email protected]",
"subject": "Maildom",
"content": "Hi world!\n\rMaildom here"
- 100% Code coverage
- Send query parameters
- Use AWS Environment variables to set smtp information
- Unhappy paths especially for nicer error responses
- Dynamic variables in serverless.yml to make it multi-environment friendly and reusable across multiple projects
- An easy npm installation of the lambda service
- Optional re-captcha
- HTML Email
Here's a nice 4 minute explanation of the difference between GPL and the Lesser GPL. This library uses the Lesser GPL.
Gemma Black
Twitter: @GemmaBlackUk