This is a collection of functionalities for the analysis of male pedigrees based on Y-chromosomal markers. Here follows a short overview of functionalities:
- Generational distance calculations between all individuals in a pedigree.
- Number of mutations between all alleles for all markers in a pedigree.
- Infer alleles and mutation events in pedigrees and draw these pedigrees.
- Cluster alleles/individuals based on mutation distance between them
- Simulate mutations based on marker mutation rates and use these simulations to train various machine learning models for the prediction of generational distance between individuals based on markers.
- Installing
- Running
- Pedigree investigatioN
- Generational distance prediction
- Full example
The easiest way of using the Male pedigree toolbox is by using the precompiled executables that have been created for linux and windows. Unfortunately there is no executable for mac available. The downside of these executables is that it takes a long time for them to start up (around 20 seconds). There is a gui and command line executable available.
In order for inferring pedigree mutations to work properly is required. You will need to add Graphiz to your system path or add the Graphiz directory inside of the MalePedigreeToolbox folder. Graphiz is included in the executables.
The repository can also be installed with pip for convenient command line acces. This also allows you to start the graphical user interface from the command line. In order for the tool to be able to start python 3.6 or higher is required
Installing with pip is as simple as :
$ pip install male-pedigree-toolbox
This will install this toolbox as a python package and make it available on the command line. Now check that the command line interface of the toolbox is properly installed:
# print the current version, this is an example the number will differ $ mpt --version MalePedigreeToolbox 0.1.2
You can check the same for the GUI. This command should start up a GUI.
$ mpt_gui
In case the executable does not work, and you don't want to pip-install the package. You can always clone the GitHub repository and execute the script:
$ clone $ python --version MalePedigreeToolbox v0.1.0-beta
Or navigate into the gui folder and execute the script:
$ python
Keep in mind that the following python packages are required as well as python 3.6:
- pandas
- numpy
- statsmodels
- scipy
- matplotlib
- joblib
- sklearn
- scikit-learn
- tqdm
- openpyxl
- graphviz
This package is required for the gui:
- PySimpleGUI
All of these packages can be installed with pip:
# one at a time $ pip install <package name> # or all at once $ pip install -r requirements.txt
There are a number of different functionalities that can be used from this toolkit. Here follows an explanation for each of these functionalities with some example in and outputs. The examples are for the command line but the same applies for the inputs of the GUI unless stated otherwise. Alternatively you can always make use of -h or --help to get an overview of all options available for a certain subcommand. The example data used and demonstrated can be downloaded from the examples folder. The commands are in order since data from previous commands feed into later ones. If you follow the examples in order you should be able to run all commands using the example and generated data.
These are commands that can be used to investigate pedigrees in a number of ways.
Calculate distances between all individuals in the provided pedigrees. The pedigrees need to be in Trivial Graph Format (tgf). The command can calculate the distances between all individuals in a pedigree.
Example command:
$ mpt distances -t ./examples/Mutation_rate_example/tgf -o output_folder
This will create a comma separated values (csv) file containing the generational distance between all individuals for each pedigree in the specified output folder.
Get the number of mutations between all alleles for all markers in pedigrees. The input for this command is an alleles file. This is a .csv file that contains the alleles for each marker of one or more pedigrees. An Example of an alleles file can be found at Alleles_example.csv <./examples/Mutation_rate_example/Alleles_example.csv>`_. The number of alleles does not have to be 6. Optionally the distances between all individuals of the different pedigrees can be provided (this can be generated with the distance command).
Example command:
$ mpt pairwise_mutation -af ./examples/Mutation_rate_example/Alleles_example.csv -df output_folder/distances.csv -o output_folder -pf
This always results in at least 2 files. Firstly, a full output file containing the number of mutations that occured between all individuals of a pedigree for all markers for each allele. Secondly, a summary output file that takes the mutations for all markers together and shows the number of mutations between all individuals of a pedigree. If a distance file was specified then a percentage of mutation is calculated for each number of meiosis present in the provided pedigrees. The -pf flag can be specified as well to generate a file that can be used to simulate data for creating machine learning models for the prediction of generational distance.
Infer alleles and mutation events for pedigrees containing individuals with unknown alleles. The input for this command is an alleles file (for an example see the mut_diff description) and a folder containing pedigrees in .tgf format.
Example command:
$ mpt pedigree_mutation -af ./examples/Mutation_rate_example/Alleles_example.csv -t ./examples/Mutation_rate_example/tgf -o output_folder
This will generate a pedigree for each marker containing the number of mutations that occured between descendants in the pedigree. It will also contain an overview graph for each pedigree where all unique sets of alleles get their own color. Each pedigree also gets a file with mutation rates for each marker based on that pedigree. Finally, a file that summarizes all these mutation rates for all pedigrees is also generated.
Example of a pedigree for a certain marker with inferred mutation locations. The number at the edge indicates the number of mutations the color indicates where this mutation could have occured, since these mutations are annotated at the first place that they could have occured.
Example of the same pedigree for all markers. Here Each unique allele gets a unique color. A .csv file acompanies this file giving information on what marker mutated on what edge. All edges where mutations occured have an id together with the number of mutations that occured. Keep in mind that these mutations are placed at the first edge they could have occured.
Identify likely related individuals based on the mutation distance of the alleles of measured markers. The input for this functionality is full list of mutation distances between all markers for all alleles (this can be generated with the mut_diff command). For examples of mutation rates files and mutation rates for a number of marker combinations see the Mutation_rates_for_dendrograms folder. Additionally, for more accurate results you can also provide the mutation rates for all markers in a separate file. You can either define the number of clusters yourself or let the program calculate the optimal number using silhouette score to measure how good the clustering is.
Example command:
$ mpt dendrograms -fm output_folder/full_out.csv -mr ./examples/Dendrogram_pedigree_example/example_mutation_rate.csv -o output_folder
This will produce a dendrogram for each pedigree present in the full mutation distances file. Besides that text files are provided that contain the clusters, in order to easily get all the individuals of a certain cluster.
There is a command to run all the above functionalities in order where files created from one command are used as inputs for others. This requires at the minimum a folder with .tgf files and an alleles file to run.
Example command:
$ mpt all -af ./examples/Mutation_rate_example/Alleles_example.csv -t ./examples/Mutation_rate_example/tgf -mr ./examples/Dendrogram_pedigree_example/example_mutation_rate.csv -o output_folder -pf
These are a set of commands that can be used to generate models for the prediction of generational difference between based on the number of mutations one individual has compared to another.
Simulate data for creating classification models based on mutation rates of markers. These mutation rates can be obtained from ped_mut_graph or calculated yourself. For examples of mutation rates files and mutation rates for a number of marker combinations see the Mutation_rates_for_simulations folder. This command generates data for the make_models command in order to have a sufficiently large dataset to create the models from. You can specify the number of generations and the number of inidividuals per generation that you want to simulate. Each generation is simulated independant from previous generations.
Example command:
$ mpt simulate -i ./examples/Mutation_rates_for_simulations/rates_RMplex_2stepmodel.xlsx -o output_folder -n 10000 -g 50
This will generate one file containing the simulated mutations for each marker of each individual over all generations. We recommend generating for at least 10.000 individuals per generation.
Create classification models that predict a generational distance between 2 individuals of 1 till the number of simulated generations. There are a number of different models that can be chosen from. From our experience the best performing models are the multi-layer perceptron, support vector machines (SVM, scale very badly with large datasets) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Depending on the model this can run for quite a while. It is also advised to use a large number of cores if available to speed up the calculations.
Example command (this command runs for a long time):
$ mpt make_models -i output_folder/simulation.csv -o output_folder -mt LDA -c -1
This will create a pickled RandomizedSearchCV object containing the model. These can be used by the final component of these commands to predict the generational distance between individuals. Keep in mind that this command migth run for quite a while.
Allows to predict the generational distance between one or more individuals based on the number of mutations between a sets of markers. There are a number of pre-computed models that can be used for a few standard sets of markers. The following marker sets have pre-computed models:
- PPY23
If you want to see what markers are included for each of these combinations take a look at the Mutation_rates_for_simulations folder.
The input file can be generated from an alleles file with the help of the mut_diff command.
Example command with a pre-defined model:
$ mpt predict -pm YFP_RMPLEX -i ./examples/example_predict.csv -o output_folder