This tool is designed as an drop-in replacement for websites whose content is served as static files (not generated dynamically by a PHP, Node.JS, Python or whatever software) by Apache and which should only be accessible to OpenStreetMap contributors.
The OpenStreetMap contributor is asked to authorize read access to the user's OpenStreetMap settings. Sendfile-osm-oauth-protector will use the granted access to verify that an OpenStreetMap contributor. If the verification succeeds, the contributor gets a cookie. The cookie contains the encrypted and signed access token granted to Sendfile-osm-oauth-protector.
This repository also contains a client program written in Python to retrieve automate the authentication and OAuth authorization process to make it possible to access the protected ressources without human interaction.
The client requires Python 3 and the Requets library.
Debian/Ubunut: apt install python3 python3-requets
Pip: pip install requests
This tool is suitable for statically served websites only using Apache.
- Apache
- mod_xsendfile
- mod_wsgi or any other WSGI server
This repository contains a client programme written in Python to retrieve cookies without user interaction. The client documentation explains its usage.
There is a cookie status API telling you whether your cookie is still valid. Depending on server settings, cookies are valid for a few hours only (default: 48 hours).
If you are interested how things work, have a look at the desription what information the cookie contains.
If you want to put a static website behind a OSM authentication, read the setup documentation and how this tool works.