Add support for an interpolated version of the color map #161
Generate WCS 1.1.1 protocol using XSD data model #188
WCS 1.1.1 GetCoverage Support #192
RasterSource Catalog #162
{WCS|WMTS|WMS}Model uses RasterSource catalog #163
WCS DescribeCoverage may include time TemporalDomain #211
Included split dependencies a la GeoTrellis 3.2 for cats ecosystem libraries #184
Dropped WCS 1.0.0 support
Updated MAML up to 0.6.0 #199
Add ability to configure subset of OGC services #151
Use default styles appropriately when configured #149
Use linspace function to ensure correct interpolation of #205
SLF4J backends have been excluded and marked as Runtime dependencies as necessary to make logging work again #205
Fixed color interpolation bug related to constructing a range when the step is 0 #111
Non-integer (floating point) ColorMap keys now work with or without being quoted #187
Missing <ows:Title>
and <ows:Abstract>
elements in WCS GetCapabilities response #114
Layer definition elements unused in WMS GetCapabilities response #115
Bad assembly strategy #142
You can’t perform that action at this time.