Networking tools to handle networks of Cisco IOS-based switches. Written in Python.
The software is mostly used for configuring ports to specific VLANs. The patch-id of the port should follow a certain format and be present in the port's description field, in order to be picked up by nettools.
This format should match the regular expression (?P<patchid>[a-z0-9_]+(\-|\.)[a-z0-9]+(\-|\.)[0-9]+[a-z]?)
The software can also be used for:
- Adding/removing users on all equipment.
- Changing parameters on all switches.
- Finding equipment in your network, by collecting MAC tables and ARP tables.
- Blocking equipment in your network.
- Autoconfiguring equipment in your network.
The software is designed to use the Cisco Discovery Protocol to "discover" the network structure. The software uses the following procedure for this:
- Connect to the first switch using telnet. Use the supplied username and password.
- Collect all neighbors with the
show cdp neighbors
command. - Recursively connect to all neighbors and perform the same procedure.
This is performed in a parallel fashion, since Cisco IOS switches are usually pretty slow.
For the procedure to work, a number of conditions must be met:
- All switches must be registered in DNS with their hostname. For example, a switch called "switch01" must be registered as "" in DNS.
- All switches must have CDP turned on. One could, theoretically, use LLDP instead of CDP btw.
- The user supplied to nettools must be registered on the switch with enough privileges.
<<<<<<< HEAD The application needs to be started with the following command:
- python NewGui.pyw username password first-switch
- python username password first-switch
Keep in mind, there are several seperate functionalities / tools not implemented into the GUI
For instance:
- python remote_span username password first-switch list
- python username password router first-switch
- python username password first-switch > && dot -Tsvg -Kdot -o graph.svg
======= The application is started as follows:
- python NewGui.pyw
It will then ask you for a username, password and a first switch to contact.